6"0 •Mirror,Mirror ,Whatever

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Tina stood before the mirror turning and twisting while striking various poses. It was silent for a while except for the occasional sound of pages turning before Tina spoke up "I still can't see all of the dress." She groaned while bending a little to fit her reflection onto the so called "full length" mirror. She turned to Kate and asked for her opinion.

"It's a bit-" Kate began while peeking from behind the book but Tina interrupted her.

"Short,I know, but which dress isn't?" She walked over to the bed and plopped down beside Kate who discarded the magazine, inhaled deeply and cleared her throat.

"I don't need your sympathy Kate." Tina stated before her friend began the whole inspiration speech.

She stared rested her chin her palm and glared at the mirror. Her blonde hair messy from trying on so many dresses and her red lipstick slightly smudged.

Tina was constantly reminded that she was beautiful and perfect just the way she was. But with her height she thought otherwise.

Otherwise as in she felt like a giraffe trapped in the body of a girl who also looked like a giraffe.

Tina watched the other girl walk toward the mirror to pick up the many dresses she discarded. She admired everything about her. Her kinky black hair, her tiny hands, her dark eyes and most of all her short stature.

Perfect for the the boys to sweep her off her feet and take more of those cute couple pictures that you could find all over the internet. Those pictures which made her want to barf or cry, but most of the times cry. You know getting hugged from behind won't be cute if your boyfriend's face is planted in your back.

Just saying.

Unlike Tina herself, who constantly told she had "man hands" and was taller than every person she met. Her male friends give her high fives for crying out loud. Sometimes she would just sit and wonder how it would to be... normal... height.

"Tina, there is absolutely no way on this Earth that you're going to go back to school single!" Kate rested a hand on her hip and wagged her finger at her friend. "Absolutely no way, so you're going on this date whether you like it or not."

Tina rolled her eyes. "I'm not interested in having a boyfriend. Leave me alone." she groaned.

Who was she fooling? She was interested but no boy was interested in dating a six foot giant. She's been tall for as long as she can remember and as her height stacked up her chances of finding someone,well, just kinda did the opposite.

"C'mon Tee. Just try at least once and if it doesn't work I'll leave you alone." she begged throwing in a quick "I promise."

Tina looked up at Kate who was just beaming. She considered her as a little sister and their major height difference actually made it quite believable. Kate barely clocked 5'4 and took great pleasure in clinging to Tina's never ending arms. She was a fairly nice person as long as she wasn't dealing with her thick kinky hair that she threatened to cut so many times. Her dark skin complimented everything she wore and her small body was perfect for taking more of those couple pictures. She could easily be swept in to the air. But Tina was pretty sure if someone was brave enough to lift her up her feet would still dangle on the floor.

Kate broke her thoughts when she spoke again. " Plus you haven't dated anybody since Lucas."

Tina didn't think she could cringe any harder at the mention of that name. He was her first boyfriend (and at the rate she was going maybe her last.) She didn't even like him but he was just the first person to take interest in her and she decided not to let that pass. She put up with it for a couple of weeks until her tried kissing her but he couldn't find a way to reach her lips. That was definitely the last straw.

Tina sighed causing her blonde hair to move about. "I honestly think this is useless. I'll just be wasting my time."

"Tee you never know what might happen."


Gwen sighed.

"Fine. I know this isn't going to work but tell me what you have in mind."

"Yes!" her friend shouted before jumping on the bed beside her. "So it's like apart of a fundraiser so not only will you be getting a date but!" she paused dramatically. "You'll be helping the kids at the center!"

"Killing two birds with one stone." Tina dragged sarcastically.

"Yes! That's exactly what you're gonna do."

"Just get to the point already."

"Okay so it going to be a blind date."

"Ohhhhh noooooo way." Tina replied shaking her head. "Absolutely not."

"No no hear me out." Kate said stopping her. "I found someone who's real close to your height so it won't be awkward or anything."

Tina raised an eyebrow. Now Kate had her attention. "How tall?"

She smirked "5'10"

"Well.." Tina started.

"Males stop growing at approximately 18 years old. Wink wink."

"I don't know ."

"Just one try. One." Kate begged.

What did she have to lose? She was honestly immune to rejection with the help of all the high fives she got from her crushes and not to mention when they called her 'bro'. Tina cringed at the horrible memories.

"Fine. Just once."

Kate punched the air. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"At least I'll have a couple more days to cherish the dignity I have left." Tina said sinking into the bed.

Her friend chuckled. " Who said anything about days? It's tonight!"


This is like my third time writing this but I didn't really have a storyline because I was soooo excited to start, but I have one now....I think.

Feel free to leave thoughts and such. They'll definitely be appreciated.

I'm curious so:
Comment your height.

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