Chapter 64: Reunion

Start from the beginning

  She looked up as she recognized the voice. She looked and saw him stop running and smiled, covering her mouth. Tears formed in her eyes as her husband stood there in his coat and usually look. "Jon!" she said as she ran. He ran to her as well and caught her in his arms as they embraced. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  Vivian cried into his shoulder and Jon cried into her neck, clutching her hair. "I can't believe you're here!" she cried. "I'm here, Darlin'. I got you." he told her as he set her down. He stroked her hair as she pulled away slightly to look in the blue eyes she missed so much.

  "I missed you so much." he told her. "I can tell. I missed you too." she said as she examined his features. His eye bags, slightly pale skin, etc.

  Jon wiped her tears as he cupped her face, kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. They pulled away and he smiled at her. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was going out of my mind." he said. They smiled at each other as they hugged again.

However, the moment was cut short once Jon was tackled to the floor and so was Vivian. Both of them looked up and saw Summer Rae and Samoa Joe glaring down at them.

  Jon got up and tackled Samoa Joe before he began beating the shirt out of him. Vivian charged and tackled Summer down before punching her. However, since her energy had been wasted, she couldn't fight how she usually did.

   Samoa Joe and Jon exchanged left and rights before Jon picked him up and sent him into a pile of poles and crates.

  Summer punched Vivian in the face and straddled her, exchanging blows. She grabbed her hair and tossed her across the ground. Summer got out a knife and ran towards Vivian, who dodged. Vivian began to pull off some defense moves she learned from Ronda and Shayna.

  However, the blade slashed her arm, making Vivian scream in pain.

  "Babe!" Jon yelled. "I'm fine!" she yelled back.

  Just as Summer lunged toward her with the knife, she was practically speared by a tall figure. Later, another figure came in and kicked Summer in the face, sending her down. Vivian smiled as the figures stood up and turned, revealing their faces. The three girls smiled before they hugged each other. "Thanks for joining the fray, girls." the younger girl said.

  Vivian had learned about why Mercedes had turned on her and forgave her right there.

  "Let's take care of this bitch." Mercedes told Ashley.

  Vivian turned as she heard Jon cry out in pain. She saw Samoa Joe hitting Jon with a pipe before she ran and jumped on him from behind. She tried to lock him in a chokehold, but he was too strong. He tossed her to Jon's direction and he caught her, eventually falling in the process.

  Luna came in and bit down on Samoa Joe's leg before threw her off him. Luckily, she landed on some old cushions that didn't injure her.

  Samoa Joe stalked towards them and they clung to each other before he was tackled down by two figures. They landed punches before they stopped. Jon and Vivian smiled as Joe and Colby looked at them. "The crew is back." the Universal Champion said. "For now. Let's take care of these people." Jon said.

  Ashley and Mercedes had taken care of Summer and now had her binded to a chair. Vivian walked over to them and got into Summer's face. "You failed again, bitch!" she yelled before punching her in the face, knocking her out. "The cops and McMahons are on their way." Joe said.

  Suddenly, Vivian screamed as Samoa Joe locked her into his clutch and she tried fighting. Colby and Joe went to get him off her, but he shoved them off. Ashley and Mercedes tried to go and help, but the guys stopped them, as they didn't want them getting hurt.

  Vivian struggled for breath as Samoa Joe began attacking her.

  Jon held his hurting leg before he felt it. He lifted up the leg pant and pulled out his gun. Slowly, he got up as he ran and tackled Samoa Joe off his wife. The two men began fighting and Jon's gun got knocked out of his hand.

  Vivian slowly clawed her way to where the gun was but not long before she saw Samoa Joe trying to kill her husband. She screamed in frustration, letting het emotions out before she got the gun and tossed it to her husband's direction.

  Jon gathered all the strength he had left and fired the gun, the bullet going through Samoa Joe's chest. The man fell beside him, dead instantly. Jon breathed for air as his brothers came to help him out.

  Mercedes and Ashley came and helped Vivian up as Luna joined them. They wrapped her arms around their shoulders before guiding her to Jon and the guys. The sounds of police sirens neared the warehouse.

  Jon and Vivian fell into each other's arms and embrace once again. The married couple kisses before they were guided to a crate to settle down and catch their breath. They never let each other go and stayed with each other until the police and ambulance had arrived. Vivian and Jon were both taken to a medical center to get checked out and they practically had their beds next to each other.

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