Chapter 43|Pregnancy

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Wait just a second! To ease any possible confusion, just know this chapter takes place a few weeks after the previous one. Enjoy ❤

I suddenly open my eyes, waking up from whatever dream I was experiencing. I immediately notice the light radiating through the windows, suggesting a sunny day.

I push the blankets off of myself, suddenly feeling unwell. As I sit up, my throat tightens, and I take the que to get up and stumble to the bathroom.

I kneel in front of the toilet, preparing myself for the imminent mess.

Here we go again. Am I ever not sick?

I wait, but nothing happens. To be honest, my stomach doesn't really have anything to throw up. But if I could just vomit and get it over with, maybe I wouldn't feel so awful.

I stand up, bracing myself on the counter, but my throat tightens again. Once again, I anticipate the hurling, but nothing happens.

Why is nothing happening?

I sit down on the ground, closing my eyes and leaning my back against the counter. No, closing my eyes doesn't really help. But neither does opening them.

Sitting down doesn't help, standing up makes it worse, and I could take a wild guess on what laying down would do.

I think I'm gonna be here for a while...

I sit there, closing my eyes, half wishing to just fall asleep. After who knows how long, a headache shoves its way into my pile of problems. Sitting on the bathroom floor isn't helping me, but maybe some medicine will.

I use all of my strength to stand up, relying on the counter to support my weight. I close my eyes, willing myself to make it to the medicine without throwing up.

I make my way downstairs, finding things along the way to use as support. By the time I make it to the kitchen, my head ache is my biggest concern.

I open our medicine cabinet, the one filled with mostly my prescriptions.

We must have some ibuprofen or something, right?

I look around the cabinet, moving a few bottles out of the way to search. I could've sworn we had some...

Now that I think about it, there's not much in here at all. No Tylenol, no ibuprofen... guess I have to go to the pharmacy today.

I close the cabinet, leaning against the counter. Okay, so I need to eat something. Maybe I can put a peice of bread in the toaster, and hope it doesn't make me throw up... then I should get dressed and head to the pharmacy.

Aaron doesn't need to know about this. He's already at work, and I don't need to give him another thing to worry about.

I sigh, walking across the kitchen to get to the bread. I plop one peice in the toaster before leaning against the counter again.

This damn headache.

I close my eyes again, pressing my palm to my forehead. There's still some nausea lingering in my stomach, but it's not as evident as the headache.

After a couple of minutes, the bread pops out of the toaster, startling me. I take it out before nibbling on it groggily. It takes a while for me to finish it, because I have to set it down after every little bite. The nausea returns, but not quite enough to make me vomit.

I make my way back upstairs, looking through my clothes. I need something comfortable, and I already look like death this morning, so there's no point in dressing up.

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