Chapter 32|The Fair

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"You ready for this?" Aaron asks excitedly.

"Uh, yeah!" I shout as I see the lights of the fair in the distance, the one thing standing out being a giant ferris wheel lit up by colorful lights.

After about a minute of driving, we pull into the parking field of grass to the fair. We exit the car, and once we pass the gates to the fair, we look around. Spotting a couple appetizing rides, I look over at Aaron, and he looks over at me.

He grabs my hand, leading me over to the ticket booth. We purchase wrist bands, which allow us an unlimited amount of rides, rather than tickets which are paid one for every ride.

"What do you wanna do first?" He asks, so excited he can't even stand still.

"Let's start small... how about the swings?!" I suggest, pointing to the giant swings.

"Yes! I heard those are bigger this year!" Aaron replies, "You sure you can handle it?"

"Yeah! I ride the swings every year! 'A little bit bigger' isn't going to kill me," I answer. Aaron chuckles.

"That's what she said."

I whack Aaron in the arm, but laugh at his joke.

This has started off great.

We make our way through crowds of people, and into the line for the swings. I look up, watching the people who are already riding.

"Holy frick you weren't lying," I say to Aaron.

"Yeah! They go like 10 feet higher this year!" He answers. A small pit of anxiety gathers in my stomach, due to my fear of heights, but I try to shake it off.

"Don't worry, Aph. It just means it'll be 10 times more fun than last year," Aaron comforts me.

"Yeah, right! Danger just means more fun to you, doesn't it?" I ask.

"Am I allowed to say yes?" Aaron replies with a smile. I laugh, and so does he. "Just dance off the nerves."

I look at Aaron curiously. He motions to his ear, telling me to listen. When I do, I hear dubstep music coming from one of the other rides. He starts laughing and dancing, and I join him in weird dance moves. I start laughing too, and I notice the looks and smiles coming from other people.

"I swear we're adults!" I suddenly find the courage to say. Aaron smiles.

He all of the sudden brings his attention back to the swings.

"Oh! It's our turn~" he chirps. I get my game face on.

"Let's. Do this."

After a couple of people in line in front of us, we show our wrist bands to the operator, and walk into the perimeter gates of the swings. We pick seats next to eachother, and my nerves start kicking in.

"Aph, you've ridden these before. You'll be fine," Aaron says, still smiling.

I guess he's excited. Maybe I should be?

"Hey, you're wearing my hoodie. Just, like, hug it or something and you'll be okay," Aaron adds.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I thought wearing his hoodie would be fitting for the situation.

"Are you assuming you're just some magical being?" I ask him.

"Not assuming, it's just a well known fact."

I whack him with the extra length of one of the sleeves, pulling my arms back further for some extra whackage. He laughs, and so do I.

Then my laughing is cut short when the swings start going up, slowly beginning to rotate. I squeal, clutching the chains of my swing.

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