Chapter 24|Not Alone

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It's been yet another week. I'm just about tired of the same old routine. Wake up, go through something with the nurses, occasional EKGs, something plain and tasteless for lunch, the same heart healthy foods over and over, it's just tiring. After a week, my heart is in a stable state, I can stress without worrying about death looming over my shoulder. I can let my heart flutter at my thoughts of Aaron without scaring the nurses. I'm farther from my chasing death, that's a good thing, I guess.

Ofcorse, I'm overjoyed that I have a chance to live. A chance to do more things I've always wanted to do. A chance to see Aaron again. But the journey is painful. It's like running from death, but on sprained ankles or bad knees. I just want it all to be over.

"Alina?" I ask. Alina turns her attention to me. "How long do you think I will be here?"

Alina calculates her answer before responding.

"I... it's hard to say. It just depends on your further results. I'd say, at least, another month," she says. I look down at my hands, disappointed in her answer.

"Okay... thanks," I mumble vacantly. She places her hand on my back for comfort. "I'm okay. It's fine."

It's fine. It's okay. I'm tired of those lies. Though I find myself using those words more often than anyone. Everyone else tells me those words, and it's beginning to annoy me. But I guess I have to accept the cold hard reality before I expect it from others.

Looking up at Alina, I see the grim look on her face.

"I guess we both know that's a lie," I whisper to myself.

Alina smiles, and leaves without another word. What am I supposed to do when others start catching on as well, and they start treating me differently? Every time I'm in the hospital, Aaron treats me as if I'm a fragile glass vase, ready to break in a instant. What happens when he comes home, and I'm stuck as a fragile little vase? He won't treat me the same. But in an unforgiving way, this hospital visit will have long term consequences. There's no avoiding the inevitable.

"Miss Aphmau," a nurse calls me. I turn my attention to her. "I have some exciting news for you," she says with a smile.

"That's new," I mumble. Bringing my attention back to the nurse, I force a smile.

"We have some exciting plans for you tomorrow!" She says. What could it be, more jello? Throwing in a few more shots and meds for good measure? "You will be moved out of intensive care, and into a regular room. With your... stable... condition, we feel safe enough to give you a little space." She says "stable" as if trying to assure me, and herself.

"Great, that's great," I say, mirroring her attempt, convincing her along with myself. Feeling my smile depleting, I approach my reaction a second time. "It's really great. I will be able to see everyone," I assure her. Content with my answer, she smiles. Sure I can see everyone, but I'll still be stuck in the hospital.

"Well, you should get some rest, dear. Tomorrow is going to be a big day," the nurse says before leaving. Woopie, I'm just so lucky. Hint the sarcasm.

After letting my thoughts drift to various places, I finally find some sleep. In the morning, I'm no more optimistic than before. There's no reason to be.

"Good morning Aphmau~" Alina sings. I greet her with a simple wave of my hand. "Are you excited for today?"

"Sure, I guess you could say that," I mumble.

"I'm sorry?" Alina asks, implying she didn't hear me.

"Yes, I'm very excited," I lie. She smiles.

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