Chapter 26

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Jack's POV:

A lot has happened today.  I'm exhausted but not as exhausted as Elsa.  She's a champ.  She is asleep right now and I'm holding little Lila.  She is so tiny.  She hasn't fussed yet so that's a good sign right? 

I looked at Elsa and saw her sleeping contently.  We can leave but I haven't got the heart to wake her.  They finished the tests a while ago.  Maybe an hour?  I guess I should wake her though because other people will probably need a room in the hospital soon. 

"Babe," I tried shaking her but she didn't budge.
"Snowflake," I tried again.
"Elsa," I said and gave her a kiss.  She stirred a little bit but she woke up.

"Hmm... hey Frosty," she said.  She opened her eyes for a brief second then closed them.

"Hey. Are you ready to go Els?" I asked.  She opened her eyes then blinked a few times.

"Where are we going?" She asked.  I chuckled.

"Home babe.  We can go home now," I said.

"Let me go get changed then I'll be ready," she smiled.  She saw her little angel in my arms and kissed her head then kissed my cheek.  She took the bag into the restroom with her.

A few minutes later she comes back out in blue jeans and a flowy tank top.  She walked to me and smiled.

"I'm ready now," she said.  I gave her Lila and gabbed the bag, balloons and teddy bear Adgar brought earlier and opened the door for her. She thanked me. 

As we were walking, it was kind of silent.  Not an awkward silence though.

"She is so precious," Elsa whispered.  I looked at Lila and smiled.

"She really is.  You did such a great job in there Els," I said.

"Thank you," she said and pecked my lips. 

We signed out of the hospital then walked to our car.  I didn't park too far away so that's easier for us.  When we made it to the car Elsa put Lila in her car seat and sat in the back with her.  While I placed the bag in the trunk and gave Elsa the teddy bear.  I placed the balloons in the front seat as best as I could trying to make sure they don't get in the way of the mirrors for when I need to drive.

~A few minutes later~

We finally make it home after an exhausting day. 

"Elsa, you can go ahead and bring the baby inside.  I've got the rest of the stuff," I smiled at her.

"Jack, are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes babe, I'm sure. You've delivered a baby and you need to get inside to get some sleep.  And Lila should be sleeping in her bed," I chuckled.

"I love you," she said as she kissed my cheek then went inside.  I smiled then got the rest of the stuff in the house.  I tied the balloons to a chair and walked down the hallway to the nursery.  I saw Elsa staring at the crib with a smile on her face.  I placed the bag and teddy bear on the ground then walked up behind her and hugged her from behind.  I kissed her cheek.

"Are you okay?" I asked.  She kissed my cheek and sighed out, "I've never been better."

Elsa turned on the baby monitor then turned to me.

"I'm tired.  I'm going to go to bed," she said.

"I'm sure you are," I chuckled.

"If she starts fussing, please let me know.  I have the baby monitor on but I'm not sure if that will wake me up because I am that exhausted.  Just wake me if she or you need anything," she said.

"Elsa, you know I can watch her too right?" I asked.

"I know.  I just don't want to make you feel like you have to because you DON'T have to.  She's my responsibility," she said.

"I want to help you babe.  Go get some rest okay?" I asked.  She only nodded and kissed me then walked into our room.

I looked at the time and it's about ten o'clock at night. I should probably get to bed too. I walked to our room. I saw Elsa already asleep. I took off my hoodie and pants then put on sports shorts. I walked to my side of the bed and laid down beside her. Her back was facing me. I pulled her closer to me. She turned around, now she's facing me and snuggled into me.

"I love you Frosty," she said. I kissed her head.
"I love you too Snowflake," I said.

~A few hours later~

Elsa's POV:

I wake up because I hear screaming and crying. I couldn't figure out why for second then remembered my daughter is crying. First time mother and I already forgot I have a child. I'm still exhausted I guess.

Anyway I walked to her room and I saw her squirming in her crib. I picked her up and tried to calm her down.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked. She was still crying. I took her to the diaper changing station because her diaper did feel like she went. I changed her diaper but she was still crying. Not as loudly though. She is probably hungry.

I sat down on the rocking chair in her room then I started to breastfeed her. She was quick to latch on this time. Her tears died down. All I can do right now is look at her and admire her.

She is the tiniest thing I've ever seen. She has blonde hair like mine. She doesn't look much like Brandon but of course she was just born. You can't really tell yet. Brandon had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. So she is platinum blonde.

I never thought I could do this. I smiled at her. She is the most precious thing ever. She stopped eating and now she is just staring at me. I pulled my shirt back up and just looked at her smiling.

"Hi baby girl. My little Lila. You are finally here. I've been waiting for you sweetie. I love you so much. You have so many people who already love you. You've got me, your Auntie Anna, grandma, grandpa, and I'm sure you Uncle Jack loves you too. You are already so loved by your family. You may even be spoiled in the future," I said and giggled. She was just smiling at me which kept me smiling at her. She is the sweetest. We were just rocking on the chair. She slowly started to fall asleep.

"Good night my baby. Sleep tight," I said as she fell asleep. I walked back to her crib and gently made her lay down.

I'm so happy with her. I knew I wanted to keep her. And I'm so happy I did. My precious little angel.


A/n: Yay! Two updates in one day! The first update was at like midnight or so today, now it's 11am. I hope you guys are liking this book so far.  More to come.
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