Chapter 18

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One month later

~Elsa's five months pregnant~

Jack's POV:

It's been a month since Elsa confessed to me and it's just been wonderful with her. She's truly amazing.

Today she is going to an appointment to check on the baby. I'm going with her. She decided she wants a gender reveal party instead of knowing the gender right away.

"Jack? Are you ready to go?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah, give me a second," I said and went looking for my car keys. I heard them jingle behind me. We are in the kitchen by the way.

I turned my head to see Elsa had them in her hands already, dangling them with a smirk on her face.

"Looking for something?" She said. I laughed and nodded my head. I walked towards her and took my keys. I pecked her cheek as I did so.

"You missed," she said.

"What?" I asked clearly confused.

"You missed," then she kissed me. It was a quick kiss. When we pulled away she said, "Let's go before we are late."

We laughed then went out the door and to the car. She's got a cute little bump now. She's so tiny.

~At the doctors appointment~

We are sitting in the waiting room.

"Elsa Arendelle," a nurse called.

I grabbed Elsa's hand and we got up from the chairs we were sitting at to then walk towards the nurse.

"Please follow me," she said. We followed her to a room. Elsa sat on the bed and I sat beside her on the chair.

"How are you Elsa?" She asked.

"I'm good. How are you?" Elsa responded.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking," she said.

"Are we finding out the gender today?" She asked.

"No, just if the baby is healthy," Elsa said.

"Alright, the doctor should be in soon," she said and left the room.

"Well that was quick," I said. She laughed.

"The doctor will be here soon, goofball," she said and nudged my shoulder a little. I laughed along.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

"Hello, Elsa, I'm doctor Porter. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm feeling alright, I've been tired lately though," she said.

"That's normal. Now let's do the ultrasound to check on the baby," Dr. Porter said.

~after ultrasound~

"The baby is healthy and is growing the way it needs to. That's all, I hope you two have a good day," she said.

"Thank you, and my sister might call asking for the gender of the baby since she's throwing the baby shower," Elsa said.

"Oh okay. What's your sister's name?" She asked.

"Anna Arendelle," Elsa said.

"Okay, give her my number and have her say who she is, I'll see you your next visit," the doctor said.

"Okay bye," Elsa said. With that the doctor left the room. And we left a little after to go pay for her visit.

~In the car~

We are in the car driving home. Elsa is looking out the door with a hand on her stomach and a small smile on her face.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Hmm... oh... nothing. Just the baby," she said with a smile on her face.

"Any names yet?" I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"I don't know the gender yet," she said.

"You could still be thinking about names for it," I said.

"True," she said, "I was thinking for a girl Lila, Leah, Jenny, or Daniella. For a boy Michael, Jake, Leo, or Isaiah. But of course, I am still thinking of names.

"I like Lila for a girl and Michael for a boy but this is your kiddo to name," I chuckled.

She was in thought after my comment and her hands rested on her lap.

"Els? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Hmm... yeah... I keep forgetting this baby is Brandon's and not yours... I'm sorry I didn't realize your feelings for me sooner," she said about to cry.

We were in the neighborhood of our house so I parked somewhere around there and turned to her. She was just looking at her hands in her lap. I took one of her hands in mine.

"Hey, none of this was your fault. I should have told you how I felt a long time ago. Brandon is just an asshole for taking advantage of you. You're not in this alone. You have me, your sister, and your mom. We got your back," I said. That just caused her to cry. Shit, what did I do?

"Was it something I said? I'm sorry for making you cry that wasn't my intention," I said. She sniffled.

"No that's not it. Just you saying that you guys are here for me. And my damn pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me," she said and hugged me the way she could in a car. I hugged her back.

"I love you so much," she said.

"I love you too, Snowflake," I said.

"Snowflake? That's new," she said.

I chuckled, "I think that nickname suits you well." She giggled which made me smile.

We pulled away from the hug and I drove again to get home.

Once we were home, we went to the kitchen for dinner. Which was leftovers. After dinner we decided to watch a movie.

"Jack, what do you want to watch?" Elsa asked.

"Surprise me," I said. She groaned but went to find a movie.

She put on the movie Up. She cried the first 15 minutes. After that we just cuddled together on the couch and watched the movie.

This is nice.


A/n: Sorry it's shorter than usual but I hope you guys liked it.

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