Chapter 11

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~One month later~

Elsa's POV:

It has been a month since my birthday. The holidays were fun and all but it wasn't the same without Jack.

My mind seems to wander off toward Jack lately. I always wonder how he is, what he's doing, and if he's okay. He's such a sweetheart. He would always give me rides to places. Even when I told him that I could drive myself. He would be so stubborn. He was always there for me. I was there for him but I guess I couldn't be there when it came to relationships. I was so oblivious. I wish I knew. Looking back now, on how he treated me. I can now see that he did more than the average person would do for just a friend.

I wish I could have spent my birthday with him. I always gave him advice about the girl he loves but I didn't know that it was me. His eyes always sparkled whenever I saw him. His smile was the cutest thing ever. His hair was so unique.

Everything is a bit messed up right now. I can't figure out who I like. I thought I really liked Brandon and now I'm not quite sure. He was nice too but he is just way different. I can't decide but I think I'm leaning towards Jack more... I'm not sure if it's because we know everything about each other or what it is. It's just something about him.

Maybe I should ask mama? I have always been close with her and she usually knows just what to say in these types of situations...

I've been sitting in my room just thinking about everything. I have a day off from work so... might as well go find mama and ask her for advice...

I walked out of my room and checked in my mama's office to see if she was there. Luckily, for me she was. She was doing something on her computer. She looked up when I opened the door.

"Elsa, dear, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm a bit troubled mama," I said and sat on the couch that is in there. She stopped typing and got up to sit next to me.

"What is wrong?" She asked.

"How do you know when you're in love?" I asked her. Making eye contact with her as well. I want to know.

"Well usually you want that person you love to be happy, you think about them all the time, you stress out from being in love, your heart rate synchronizes with theirs, and much more," she said. I looked down in thought.

"Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Because I'm not sure who I love..." I said trailing off.

"And whom may I ask they would be?" She asked. Then I looked up at her.

"Jack and Brandon," I said then looked back down. My mama was shocked to hear me say that. She sighed.

"Tell me what you think of both of these boys."

"Well... Jack is such a sweetheart. I did have feelings for him before but that was long ago. He is quite mischievous. He has a cute smile that I love. His eyes are a beautiful blue. His hair is so unique. There is never a dull moment when I'm hanging out with him. He always knows what to say when I'm down. He always makes me laugh. He is just... such an amazing guy," I said smiling about the thought of him and looking down at my hands.

"And what about Brandon?" Mama asked.

"He... I don't know... I liked him. I thought he was cute and I like his company a lot. He makes me smile every time he does something goofy. Being with him so far has been pretty great. He listens to me when I talk about anything. He can be rude sometimes but he makes up for it later on that day. He helps me when I need help. He's a great guy..." I said.

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