Chapter 8

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~One Month Later~

Jack's POV:

So my birthday is in a few days, December 15th to be exact. Thanksgiving was great... I just spent that time with my family (since that's what you are usually supposed to do). A lot of my family was able to come this time so that was awesome. I saw Elsa for a brief couple of minutes then she had to leave and see Brandon. Yeah... they are still together. Anyway, today is December 10th. Only 5 more days left and 9 more until Elsa's birthday.

I've decided that I am going to tell Elsa how I feel about her, today actually. So let me get to it.

I started by calling Elsa. After two rings she picked up.

J- Jack    E-Elsa

E- Hey, Jack what's up?

J- Hey and nothing much. How about you?

E- Nothing really. How are you?

J- I'm alright. I have something I need to tell you actually. Could we maybe meet up sometime today?  Only us two?

E- Yes, of course! Where would you like to meet and what time?

J- Let's meet at our favorite cafe and maybe now? If you're not busy? If not we could meet in an hour or whenever you are free.

E- I love that cafe and I miss it. We could meet right now, no need to wait another hour or anything *chuckles*

J- *chuckles* Alright so we will meet at Dream Bean. I'll see you in a few.

E- Yep. Okay. Bye Jack

J- Bye

Then we both hung up. Now I'm nervous... I mean I've been practicing on what I will say but I feel like no matter how much I practice I will still mess up... no ones perfect right? *sigh* Let's get this over with.

I left my house and went to my car and drove to Dream Bean. It's a coffee shop but I usually get hot chocolate there and so does Elsa.

I arrived at the cafe and I looked to see if Elsa was already here. I didn't see her so I assumed she wasn't here. I went to order our drinks, paid for them, received them, then went to go find somewhere for us to sit. I tried to find a more secluded spot since I have no idea how this will turn out. Most likely one of us will be in tears. (And that would probably be me).

I waited for her to come and within 5 minutes she walked through the door. She looked around then saw me. She smiled then walked over where I was sitting. Which is in a corner by the entrance where people could sit outside. I needed to sit by an exit that way either one of us could walk out when things got bad.

I stood up and gave her a hug when she reached the table.

"Hey, Jack! What did you need to talk about?" She asked. I sighed.

"Please sit down. You're going to want to when I say this and please don't interrupt me," I said and sat down myself.

"What's wrong Jack?" She asked again.

"Before I tell you, I got you hot chocolate with cinnamon and extra marshmallows, your favorite," I said as I gave it to her.

"Thank you," she said and took a sip. Then said, "Jack, you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

"How long have we known each other, Els?" I asked.

"About 4 years. Why?" She asked.

"I... um... we have been friends for a long time... and when people are friends with each other for a long time, sometimes one of them can get feelings for the other... I am one of those people... I-I l-like y-you
m-more t-than a f-friend... I-I lo-ove y-you..." I said stuttering. I tried keeping eye contact the entire time. This is way harder than I thought...

"Jack... are you joking?" She asked. She looked shocked. I mean who wouldn't be. Someone you've known for so long finally has the guts to tell you their true feelings. To answer her questions I just shook my head no...

"How long has this been going on?" She asked.

"Please don't ask that," I said but she gave me a look that said "you should just tell me." I sighed and said, "About a year and four months," I said. She still has this shocked expression on her face. She was staring at me in total and utter shock.

"W-why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked.

"I was scared it would ruin our relationship. I couldn't stand losing my best friend because of something like this. I wanted us to stay friends, I didn't want to mess that up," I said. I was looking down because I feel like this wasn't a very good idea after all. "You don't have to say anything right now, take your time," I said.

She was silent for a while and it was eating me up. I was getting anxious. I just wanted her to say something. Anything. But she just sat there looking at her hot chocolate filled cup. I was trying to be patient.

"Y-you know I have a boyfriend now right?" She asked. I chuckled.

"Yes, Elsa I know. I've met him," I said trying to joke around but she was taking everything seriously. I sighed then continued, "I just have gotten enough courage to tell you now. I don't know why I couldn't tell you before but I am now," I said. Then it was silent again. I was expecting her to get up and leave.

She reached over the table and grabbed my hand.

"J-Jack, we... I... I love you and you know that but..." I didn't let her finish.

"I know," I said looking down at our hands. She has Brandon and the only kind of love she has for me is our friendship. I wish it were different. This is terrible. I need to go.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we need time away from each other for a little bit. This is a lot of information to take in for me. I'm sorry, I-" I interrupted her again by standing up and letting go of her hand.

"I think I should go," I said taking a few steps away from the table.

"Jack, wait please, don't go," she said and was starting to cry. And I did just that. I didn't leave. I stood there with tears going down my face too.

"Elsa, I should be sorry. I screwed us up," I said. She stood up and dragged me back to our table and made me sit down.

"Jack, you did not screw up. You can't control your feelings, okay? You didn't screw up anything. I think we just need sometime away from each other. Just please, don't be a stranger to me okay?" She asked. Her tears were nonstop and so were mine. I slowly nodded.

"Come here," she said with her arms extended. I hugged her because this is probably the last hug I will ever give her. My arms went under hers while hers were over mine. We hugged for a while then split apart. We both had tear stained cheeks, I'm assuming. She definitely did. I wiped some of her tears away then got up.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'll see you later alligator," I said giving a weak smile. We used to say that after one of us would leave all the time. I guess this is the last time before everything gets all awkward and weird. Heck it already is awkward and weird. Nice job Jack.

"Not for a while crocodile," she whispered softly as she got up too. We left different ways. I left through the door by us and she left through the entrance of the store.

Was this really a good idea?
It wasn't to me...
But now it's off my chest I guess...
Would I be able to move on?
Maybe but there is no one better than her...

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