Chapter 6

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Jack POV:

When I got in my car and left, I sighed and started thinking. I can't visit more often. It's too painful. But Elsa needs me. We are best friends. I can't turn my back on her just because I was stupid enough to fall in love with her and not tell her my feelings. It's my own fault.

I want to hangout with her more, I do but it's so hard. I guess I have to learn to let her go.

I was thinking the whole ride home. I live alone in an apartment. I'm saving up for a house. I almost have enough for one too. I'm almost there.
I made it to my apartment and parked my car. I walked up the stairs to my apartment on the second floor.
I walked inside my apartment and went to my bedroom then put my phone on the charger by my bed. I laid down and put on Netflix.

A few minutes later I get a text from someone.

"Are you still up?" It said. I checked who it was from.
It was from Elsa.

J- "Yeah. What's up?"

E- "Nothing much. What does Emma want for her birthday? I never got to ask you."

I sighed. She really loves my family as a family. She likes me as a friend.

J- "I'm sure whatever you give her, she will love it. She looks up to you Els."

E- "Okay... but any ideas? I'm not sure what kids like nowadays..."

I chuckled. She can still be a bit insecure when it comes to gifts for people. It's cute.

J- "We can go shopping tomorrow if you want after I help with decorating."

E- "I don't know. I might be busy. Brandon wants to take me somewhere tomorrow. I'm not working because of it."

Of course. Brandon is doing something with her.

J- "Just get her a drawing book and some colored pencils. She will love it."

E- "Thank you! I'll see you at the party 🎉"

J- "See you there."

That was the end of our texting for the night. I haven't texted her for a long time.

Anyway, I decided to turn off "The Office" and go to sleep. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow.
This couldn't get any better...

~Day of Emma's Birthday Party~

I was basically one of the chaperones at Emma's party. Since a lot of 9 year olds came. Mom was making the cake. Dad was making hotdogs and hamburgers. I was greeting guests and if they were Emma's friends I brought them over to outside to play on the bouncy house with Emma.

Some of our family members came. They would talk to me. They would ask me "When are you having kids ?"or "Do you have a girlfriend?" or "How is that girl, Elsa doing? Is she your girl yet?" I would try and be polite and answer the questions or make up an excuse to walk away from the questions and disappear to the bathroom or my old room.

The door bell rang and I went to go answer it.
When I got to the door it was none other than...
Elsa and... Brandon...

"Hey Elsa... and Brandon. Please come in," I said inviting them in the house. They walked in.

"Hey Jack! Where's Emma at?" She asked.

"She should be in the backyard," I said.

"Okay, great! I'm going to give her her gift right now," Elsa said then left me with Brandon.
This is going to be awkward.

"So, you're Jack right?" Brandon asked.

"Yep. That's me," I said.

"Nice to see you again," he said and we shook hands. As I was about to let go he held onto my hand and leaned a bit forward.

"Just so you know. I know you like Elsa and I just had to say leave her alone. She is my girlfriend not yours," he said glaring at me a bit. I stared at him shocked and not really sure on what to say.

"I-I don't l-like h-her," I said stuttering.

"Yeah. Your stutter really helped you there. It's quite obvious," he said sarcastically. Before I could say anything Elsa came back.

"Hey guys. What are you talking about?" Elsa asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just relationships that's all," Brandon said. Why does everyone choose that as the go to subject about what we talk about?

"Okay. Jack any girlfriends? I remember you talking to me about some girl maybe? Hmm..." she said and winked at the end. I blushed a little bit embarrassed of myself.

"N-No. No one in particular..." I said.

"Oh. I thought you did have someone you were talking to. I'm sorry. Anyway, any girl would be lucky to have you," she said with a smile. Yeah, any girl would be lucky to have me but any guy would be blessed to have her...

"It's alright and thanks," I said. "How long are you guys staying?" I asked.

"Not too long. We have reservations somewhere," Brandon said, giving me a victory smile. Then he looked at his watch. "We should actually get going."

"Oh alright. Bye Jack! I'll see you at work tomorrow, right?" She asked and hugged me. I just simply answered with a "yes." And with that they left.

"Jack, Are you okay?" Someone said. I looked behind me to see my mom.

"Uh yeah. I'm fine," I said.

She looked at me quizzically for a while then said, "I know my kids well. And I know when they are not okay. You are not "fine" you are hurting," she said.

I sighed. "Okay, you got me. I'm not fine. I am far from fine actually," I said looking at the floor.

"Jack, go to your room before you cry in front of everyone I will be right there so we can talk this out," mom said. I just nodded and went to my room.

Not long after mom comes back upstairs with mugs. I'm hoping there is hot chocolate in it. She handed me the mug and sat down on my bed with me.
(It was hot chocolate by the way. Yay).

"Now, talk to me. What's wrong?" She asked.

I explained to her my feelings for Elsa and then how Elsa is taken and how I will probably never have a chance with her. And how I will probably die alone. Just kidding about that last part though.

"Why don't you confess to her now?" She asked.

"I can't she is happy now. She always has this big smile on her face whenever she is with him or even talks about him," I said. Mom just sighed.

"Jack, you will never know what she will say unless you talk to her and tell her," mom said then left the room leaving me to my thoughts.

Could I ever tell her?
It might ruin everything...
But what if she feels the same way?
That would be amazing!!
Why would she feel the same way?
She has Brandon...
I guess I could tell her...
Don't knock it till you try it right?
Maybe I'll tell her...
In time though...

Complicated Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora