Chapter 20

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~Continued from last chapter~

Elsa's POV:

I'm having a baby girl!!! I'm so excited!!  I was jumping up and down because I was happy.

Jack smiled at me and I smiled back and kissed his cheek which caused people to awe. And my cheeks to get a shade red. 

Mother walked towards us and hugged me.
"My baby girl is having a baby girl. Oh, I'm so happy for you sweetheart," she said.

"Thank you mother," I said with a big smile on my face. The next one to walk to me was Anna.

"Any baby names yet?" She asked. Mother nodded her head wanting to know as well.

"Anna, I just found out the gender of the baby. I'm not sure if I have any yet," I said and we giggled, "but maybe only a few since I did think about it," I giggled.

"I'm gonna go get us a drink. Do you want punch or water?" Jack whispered to me.

"Water is fine thank you," I whispered back. He kissed my cheek then went to go get our drinks.

"Anyway, please tell us the baby names you are thinking about," Anna said. I shook my head.

"Nope. You will have to wait until the baby is born," I said with a sly smile.

"Ugh. That's no fair. That's like three months away," Anna complained.

"Then the wait shouldn't be that bad," I giggled.

"Well girls. I'm getting pretty tired so I will be going home," mother said.

"But mom we haven't had Elsa open the presents yet," Anna whined.

"Hmm... if you do the presents now then I will stay a little longer," mother said.

"Okay. Let make an announcement for everyone to move to the living room for the presents," Anna said excitedly and practically jumping up and down towards the "stage" area.

Jack had barely walked out of the house with our drinks when Anna started speaking.

"Hey everyone, we are going to have Elsa open the presents now. So if you all can walk into the living room to see that happen that would be great. Thank you," Anna said.

Jack and I made our way inside as well. He was sort of pouting.

"Why are you so pouty right now?" I asked. He had his arms crossed and a pouty look on his face.

"Because I wanted to show you something before the whole presents fiasco," he said but had a cute little smile on his face. I chuckled.

"Alright Jack. You can show me something after the presents," I say and kiss his lips. I felt him smile when I kissed him which caused me to smile.

"Okay lovebirds, hurry up now," Anna said as she walked by. We pulled away with red faces.

"Anna!" I exclaimed.

"What? You have to go open your presents," she said in a "duh" tone. I sighed and nodded. I went to go open the presents. Let's get started.

~After opening the presents~

I have so many presents for this little bundle of joy. People are leaving now and I'm saying goodbye and thanking them for coming. Jack was standing next to me doing the same. Anna and mom were the lasts ones out the door.

"Bye Elsa," Anna said and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Bye Anna. Thank you for the baby shower. I had a great time," I said and pulled away from the hug.

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