Chapter 25

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Elsa's POV:

I am about 8 centimeters now. It's been at least 9 hours since we've been here. I just want her out. I want to hold her in my arms. I know being a mother will be hard but I feel like I can do this. I have my mother and sister supporting me. I also have Jack. My sweet Jack. 

I've had to walk around or sit on a yoga ball to try and speed this up.  It kind of worked.  Contractions hurt a lot.  Right now I am just laying in bed.  Jack is sitting on the chair beside my bed.  He's holding my hand and rubbing circles on it.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"Just you.  And how strong you are," he smiled.

"What do you mean Frosty?" I asked.

"You are having a baby.  And you are going to be raising her with your family.  This baby that you are having is going to have a wonderful life," he said as he moved some hair out of my face.

I smiled at him.  I'm so lucky.  "I love you Frosty," I said.

"I love you too Snowflake," he said and kissed my forehead.  The door opened to reveal the nurse who has walked in and out of here.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I want this baby out of me now," I said.

"Let me check you," she said.  She checks me then says, "You are 9 centimeters, just a little longer."

I sighed, "Thank you." She nodded then left the room.  I laid on my side towards Jack.

"Hey, you have a little bit longer to go babe. Just think on the bright side," Jack said.

"Jack, I just want to be done with this right now. I'm nervous about the pain to come but I just want her out right now," I said. He grabbed my hand again and kissed it. We talked a bit more for about an hour or so. 

Little one please come out soon.  I really want to see you.  Our family has been waiting for you. 

As if she heard me or read my thoughts somehow.  I feel the need to push but I wait and get Jack to call a nurse and doctor.

Soon the doctor and nurse come in and tell me that I'm at 10 centimeters.  They tell me to push when I feel another contraction. 

Soon enough I feel a contraction and start to push.  Jack is holding my hand and I feel bad because I might be breaking his hand. 

After that contraction they count 10 seconds until I need to push again.  I push every time they need me to until I hear a cry.

"Elsa, look," Jack says.

I look up and see my little girl. 

"Oh my gosh.  She's so tiny," I said.  They were taking her somewhere and I freaked out.

"Where are they taking her?" I asked.

"They are just taking her to get cleaned babe," Jack said.

"Oh be careful because she's really tiny," I said and Jack chuckled.  I'm smiled at Jack.

"Jack," I said.  He smiled at me and kissed my head.

"You did so good babe.  So so good," he smiled.  We shared a quick kiss.  We looked up when we saw the nurse come back in with my baby girl.  She was still crying and all I wanted to do in that moment was hold her close to me.

The nurse brought her to me and handed her to me.  My little girl stopped crying after laying on my chest for a while.  She started to fuss again.  The nurse taught me how to breastfeed her since she said my baby was probably hungry.

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