[Special] Chapter 10 - Her

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"Geez, I'm seriously late for school! No I mean not school acctually but if I get even more late I won't be able to meet my brothers in class.....I really gotta hurry!
Hah! Finally I reached and there's about 10 more minutes till the starting bell rings. That's plenty of time.....I guess they must be waiting for me................ oh! Finally I can see the class but em......why can't I here the piano playing? Guess Mian couldn't make it today well nevermind hope the others are there.........
Oh!?, isn't that her? Seems like she'll never get rid of her habbit of comming over and sneaking around while I'm practicing..... and not to mention why only me? When Mian plays she's no where even seen to be around but as soon as I get on the seat..... there she is poking her head out through the door. Guess she still haven't noticed that we have already noticed her. God that poor girl. It's quite surprising as nobody even dares to come over to this place before school hours or after....specially the ladies.....it's hell pitch dark here and all but wow what courage she has.......quite admireble isn't it huh? Well I guess I'll just sneak inside while she's turned around."
"Finally I got in. Guess she didn't notice me afterall. Well times running out......just five more minutes till the bell rings. I better start playing. I have improved a lot since then. I was in a state where I couldnt even run my hands together on the piano back then but thanls to Mian now seems like I even got myself a cute fan. Well I hope that I won't scare her cause seems like the others too wasn't able to make it and she probably have already noticed that the room was already empty. Well there are these days that all the others don't turn up but still I decide not to even skip a day as this place is very special to me. This is the only place where I could meet my brothers during school days and this is the place that I had already learned a lot of things and am still learning. They are my brothers; my teachers. And the fact that I dare not to skip a day coming here is a way that I show my respect to them as well as to enjoy the maximum in the limited time period we got.
As I started the melody my finger tips lingers on the piano keys..... this melody, no matter how many times I play it this nastologic feeling never ends. I first got to hear this when Mian started playing this infront of us for the first time and right away I wanted to learn how to play it. I loved it; all of my lessons with him and my practice sessions I loved it all. And for a fact I still haven't learnt it in full nevertheless I acctually had never ever even heard the end of it. That time Mian only played half way and stopped, but someday I will get to not only hear it but also to play it; the day that this melody will finally be complete."
"Oh ho..... there she goes again...... sneaking her head through the door....... awww I really love it when she's like that. Still I really don't have any idea why she always sneaks around here though..... Don't tell me that she have finally recognized me? Em.....then why wouldn't she be just calling out to me? Maybe she's shy?Possibilities are less cause if she has the courage to sneak around here then why can't she call me? We know each other afterall then? So yeah this too must've been just a mere coincidence since back the time I saved her from those bullies, the time I spotted her at the coffee shop and the time where she almost collapsed on the stairway........ but nevermind I am really enjoying this afterall...... oh yeah? Since the other's aren't here....should I finally call out to her instead? I think I should. Let me pause  playing just for a minute and turn around..............
Uhhhh! Why does it always have to end like this!? Every single time I try to contact her something happens and this time too the bell had to ring. Guess I'll try again the next time. Gotta get to class before I get caught again".
"When will I be able to see her again? Can't wait!"............

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