Chapter 09 - A Ghost?

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"Though it has already been a few months since i started sneaking around our old music room, it still feel as if that day was yesterday; the day I first heard this melody.....the tune which always never failed to brighten up my mood even when i felt down.....huh? wait....... the day I first heard this tune? but if that was my first time hearing this, then why does it feel soo familiar? there are just a lot of unanswered questions........ugh!....just when can i get them answered........"

Liz went over to the old room as break started again. As she reached the class she hid behind the wall in the front of the class and snuck her head through the slightly opened door. Though today only two boys were there, she heard the piano as 'he' played it and the other was busy reading a book. enchanted was she from listening to the tune as their brake ended and she went back to class.

The rise of the sun to a new day and school started and Liz went over before the bell rang signalling the starting of her class. As she reached their this time no sound was coming out from the old class as she peeked over if to see anyone was in their. Just as she had suspected no one happened to be inside which was quite odd as 'he' was never ever not seen in there every single day even if no one else came by both before school and during break and sometimes even after school as well. Not to mention that they were even caught hanging out in that old music room during classroom secessions as well. "oh? seems like no one's here yet..... well that isn't something you get to see everyday. well never mind there i'll come back later, seems like everyone  is late today", thought Liz and turned around to head back a bit upset but calm when the sound of the piano suddenly came into life for her surprise as she snuck her head out to see a figure playing at the piano......

"as i turned around to head back to class the melody came back to life as i turned around to see what had happened. i saw 'him' at the piano for my unexpected surprise. As the bell ran and i headed back to class.  

"did he got in while i turned around? or..........a ghost?  oh no no no that can't be possible........", she chuckled as absurd thoughts as such came in. after she reached her class, "Liz! where were you?!", came zaiina running. "oh em.... i was..-", shuttered Liz as zaiina glared at her and shouted back, "you were there again weren't you?", "yeeah", gulped Liz. "ugh! how many times should i need to repeat myself, its dangerous! aren't their only a pack of boys in that literally deserted area? what if you get caught? huh?, sighed zaiina. "i know but....-", as Liz responded zaiina cut her off, "let me guess, its the tune isn't it?", "yeeah", responded Liz guiltily. there was silence between them as sapphire entered. "she went there again, right?", questioned sapphire. "seems like it", as zaiina replied both of them let out a long sigh and the conversation came to an end as the teacher entered.

"Both sapphire and zaiina keeps on worrying if something bad could happen to me if i kept on going to the music room, but how can i? the melody keeps on attracting me towards it"

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