Chapter 06 - Intersection

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"After meeting Sapphire, both Jenny and Mia now had become a part of my life. My life was now perfect, I had already found my happiness; my sisters, I finally wanted to except and be myself again.....................

but who was I again? Why cant I turn back......The memory was completely erased without any traces......Who did I want to be again?"



"Liz are you free tomorrow?", asked Sapphire. "well yeah, why did you ask?", "ohh that's superb, well if you don't mind, a new cafe has opened in our area and people say that they serve really good coffee and by the way even Mia said she will come along with us", replied Sapphire. "yeah what?! Did Mia just said that?", asked Liz completely surprised. "well she did and I still can't believe it either, and oh yeah I almost forgot, Jenny too will be coming. Well soo you coming?", asked Sapphire". "you bet I would", replied Liz totally excited.


"We three often gathered at one place rarely as Jenny and Mia were in different classes, and only me, Sapphire and Jenny met outside school and spent together while Mia was unable to join us as she had some strict rules to follow which were assigned by her mom at home. Hearing news as such was the greatest thing I ever wished for".


The next day the four of them met outside the cafe and stepped in, after they had ordered their drinks they started talking about how each of them were doing. Jenny said that her sister was gravely sick and she was worried about her while Mia said that her father was away on a business trip and now here mom was a lot more stricter with the rules than usual, though she was allowed to come today. These days as Liz's grandma was away and the things in her house too have got a bit messy, so she thought of sharing that with them. Sapphire however, kept quiet; only listening as usual, when Liz blurted out," Saph why don't you say something too", and the other two nodded as they too agreed. Sapphire completely disagreed at first but at the end as they pleaded and that there wouldn't be another gathering for the four any time soon again, Sapphire finally agreed to tell them about how her family was doing these days when.....................


"Saph was finally gonna at least say about what was happening in her family but that when she suddenly pointed at a certain direction and whispered, 'wait, Liz isn't he looking at you??', 'wait what? who?', I answered as I turned my head around to see a boy who seemed around the same age as me, sitting with a few of friends at the table which was behind us, who instantly looked away when I turned. I kept on staring at him which might have made him uncomfortable that a gradual grin ran across his face and as he kept on grinning non stop, though his friends didn't seem to notice. He eventually looked up back at me as we made eye contact. It felt strange, he looked too familiar, his russet brown eyes was peaceful as the autumn winds and a sensation of emptiness ran over me as I looked away from him like nothing had ever happened........While he stood up and left with his friends.

After a few hours passed we departed from the cafe and started heading towards the bus station when I happened to knock someone over. 'I'm really really sorry!' I apologized as I helped her to get back on her feet, 'never mind', she coldly replied in a depressing tone and went ahead.  I noticed that she had happened to drop her bracelet so I picked that up hoping to return it someday......................." 

The OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora