{30} Surprise

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Today was the day that Naldo was coming home from the war, cyd was so excited that she could barely sleep in a few hours she would have Naldo next to her instead of just herself. But as always cyd got woken by her 18 month old baby named Weston,

Cyd walked into Weston's room and picked him up and rocked him to sleep, today was the day that Naldo was coming home and meeting Weston for the first time. Sure she was a little bit nervous on what he was going to say about Weston, but she was sure ready for it

A few hours later

A few hours has passed and cyd was waiting with Weston at the train gate waiting for Naldo to get off the bus. When she saw Naldo's train she started to freak out. But the train stopped and Naldo got out

"Cyd!" Asked naldo

"Naldo I'm glad your ok," smiled Cyd as she hugged Naldo

"Who's this?" Smiled Naldo

Cyd sighed. This was it

"This is your new son. Naldo....meet Weston," smiles cyd

Naldo looked at the baby with pure awe.

"This is mine?" Asked naldo smiling

Cyd nodded

"Yes Naldo it is,"

"She adorable how old is she?" Asked naldo

"18 months," Said Cyd

"No matter what happens...I'll always be there for you," Said Naldo "and Weston," 

Cyd laughed

"Your the best," Said Cyd

"I'm am aren't I?"

Cyd laughed

and they went home

Sorry this was short it's late where I am and I'm tired This was supposed to go up on Thursday but I just got super busy so here it is and I have a thousand other plots waiting 😊😊

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now