{11} my best friends girlfriend

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I can't believe that today I'm going to ask Naldo to the dance I can't wait

As Cyd and Shelby walked into the school Cyd was shaking up a storm

"Cyd it going to be ok I'm pretty sure Naldo going to say yes!" Shelby said

"Shelby how do you know?" Cyd said

"How do I know well you like him he likes you see there's no difference" Shelby said then Naldo came over

"Hey guys meet my new girlfriend Chloe" Naldo said

"Hi I'm Chloe you guys must be Cyd and Shelby" Chloe said holding out her hand

"Yep she Cyd I'm Shelby" Shelby said

"Did you know that Chloe used to take dance when she was little" Naldo said

"Wow, what does she have a thing I don't have a thing!" Cyd said frowning

"It's ok you will have one" Chloe said then she walked away and Naldo walked away with her

"See shelbs I'm to late he has a pretty girlfriend  and I don't have a date to the dance" Cyd said sitting down at a table

"Don't worry you'll find one" Shelby said rubbing Cyd's back then Barry came over

"Hey what wrong Cyd?" Barry said concerned

"She's sad about Naldo" Shelby said

"He has a nice, pretty and talented girlfriend while I have nobody" Cyd said

"Hey Shelby may I speak to you?" Barry said

"Sure Barry what is it?" Shelby said

"Why don't we give Cyd a blind date for the dance" Barry said

"Barry that's a great idea lets do that" Shelby said

"Ok well I have this guy name Elliot in my technology class that she could go with" Barry said

"Ok that's a great idea" Shelby said then they left

Friday night the dance
At Cyd and Shelby house

"Ok Cyd you have to go" Shelby said

"No I don't want to see Naldo with Chloe" Cyd said as she wined

"Yes you have a date" Shelby said

"Huh?" Cyd asked

"You'll find out now let go" Shelby said then Cyd got up and Shelby threw her a dress at her "now get changed!" Shelby said then Cyd walked into the bathroom

After a 20 minute dress she got done

Cyd's  dress⬇️

Cyd's  dress⬇️

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