{15} My Sister From Another Mother (prt 1)

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Naldo's POV
Hey I am Naldo Montoya and lets just say that my life has been good until my mom died last year, I've been kinda sad about it but for the passed 5 months my father has been seeing this girl he never stops talking about her but my dads happy so am I

As Naldo went downstairs he saw a note on the kitchen counter saying the same ole thing saying that he won't Be back until in the morning and saw a 10 dollar bill on the counter and looked at it and whispered "thank you dad." Then he left to pick up Cyd, his best friend

As Naldo picked Cyd up he saw her sitting at a park bench so Naldo walked over to her

"Hey." Said Naldo

"Hey." Said Cyd

"What you doing?" Asked Naldo

"Nothing finding something to do because my mom is out on a date with some guy." Cyd said

"My dads doing the same thing." Naldo said

"Cool." Said Cyd

"Race you to the swings." Naldo said then Cyd started running and so did Naldo turning into a brother and sister fight so after that Cyd was t first to the swings

"Ha beat you who the winner now." Cyd said

"No fair."

"After 10 years I still beat you." Cyd said as she laughed

"Hey want to go back to my house to watch Netflix?" Asked Naldo

"Sure, but it's my turn to pick what to watch."

"No not once upon a time again." Said Naldo
(A/N:sorry I have been obsessed with this show once upon a time lately it funny that I'm watching right now 😂😂)
"Awe please." Said Cyd as she did a pouty face

"Sure whatever." Naldo said then they started to walk to Naldo's house but first they stopped at Taco Bell to get something to eat, so after that they went into Naldo's house until they heard noises

"Hey do you hear that?" Asked Cyd

"Yea it sounds like it coming from my da-"

"Well lets go see." Cyd said then they both walked upstairs until they heard noises from Naldo's dad room

"You don't think they aren't having you know." Cyd asked

"They can't."

"Well open the door." Said Cyd

"No you open the door."

"No its your dads room." Cyd said then Naldo opened the door and he didn't believe what was happening his dad and Cyd's mom eating each other's faces




Part two soon sorry for not posting in a while I have recently turned fifteen and I spent my birthday with my family and I have been dealing with some family crisis so yea anyway night

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