{18} Don't Worry about me

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Before you read any further into this one shot, I want you to be aware that this chapter is talking about suicide, so let me say that suicide is not cool. So if you are having problems in life tell a loved one because they might help anyway let's get into the one shot


Lately Cyd has been feeling kinda down lately, Shelby Barry nor Naldo doesn't know about what, Cyd is afraid to tell them especially Naldo, so every night before she goes to bed he does one thing he never Shelby and her brothers and parents were asleep she would walk into her and Shelby's bathroom and take a razor or anything sharp and she would make a deep cut into her skin, she been doing until 6 months ago she been having problems and that problem was teen suicide,

"Cyd we'll get through this together.....I promise." Shelby said

"Shelby there's nothing you can do." Said Cyd

"Cyd I'm not going risk losing my best friend now you need help." Shelby said as she tried to get Cyd of the bed but she refused

"Shelby I'm fine."

-----------------a few months later---------------

It was the day of Cyd funeral. Shelby stood there crying, as she was trying to prepare for a speech that she has to do, on the other hand Naldo was sad because of losing his best friend who was more then a friend to him, Barry on the other hand was trying to calm Shelby his girlfriend down

-----------few years later---------

As Naldo was visiting Cyd grave he had tears in his eyes, he has found himself a girlfriend and was engaged to her, but she wasn't what Naldo wanted in a girl but he knew that she couldn't let her go because Cyd would want Naldo to move on, so he did. His girlfriend Amy was 6 months pregnant with a baby girl that they decided to name Cyd after his best friend, Amy didn't agree because she had always hated Cyd, but she knew Naldo was going through pain without his best friend so she went with it

"Cyd I know you want me to be happy so I found myself a girl who I really really love but then I realized that.....your the one I want to be with, your the one I want to see walk down the aisle on our wedding day but....we won't get the chance will we," Naldo said as he heard a hobo it was Amy his girlfriend

"Come on babe we don't want to be late for our dinner reservations." Amy said then Naldo looked at

"Coming." Naldo said then he turned back around "Goodnight Cyd." Naldo said then he left

Sorry if it was like the other one shot but who cares, give me some ideas because I'm running out of some

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