{23} Reunited (Requested)

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Cyd moved fo Peru with her parents for the 4 years left of high school, before Cyd Left her and Naldo used to be a thing. Meanwhile Naldo has been missing Cyd like crazy. But college was approaching and Naldo got into the college of Portland,

It was the day of going to college and Naldo looked at the big campus and walked in to get his room key and stuff like that, so he went to open his door and he saw a feminine figure with black hair that looked familiar. She looked up and Naldo was shocked....it was Cyd

"Hey you look like someone what's your name?" Asked Cyd

"Naldo Montoya," Said Naldo

"Wait I dated a Naldo Montoya," Said Cyd as she pointed and she gasped at the same time

"Naldo is that really you?" Asked Cyd

"Yep it's me," Said Naldo

Cyd went to hug Naldo but ended up jumping in his arms

"I thought I would never see you again," Said Cyd

"Same here," Said Naldo as he hugged tighter

It has been a few months since they arrived and Naldo and Cyd had gotten back together and they haven't had a problem ever since.

A few years later

It was the day of Cyd and Naldo's wedding day and everyone was getting ready for the wedding.

"I can't believe you are getting married," Said Shelby as she hugged her best friend

"Yea but it's not the same without my parents, but I'm glad your dad offered to walk me down the aisle," Said Cyd

"My family is your family," Said Shelby


"Now shall we get this wedding started?" Asked shelby

Cyd nodded

"Yep let's do this," Said Cyd

Everyone walked down the aisle and got the wedding started

Skip to the vows (sorry I'm to lazy😂😂)

"Cyd would you like to start?" Asked the minister

Cyd nodded

"When I first met you I knew you were the one that I would spend my life with, when I left for Peru all those years ago I still haven't forgotten you, and when we met again at college I knew that you were the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with,"

Naldo was on the verge to tears

"Oh that was beautiful," Said Naldo

"Renaldo would you like to read your vows?" Asked the minister

"Cyd I loved you from the very start of our relationship, when you left for Peru with your parents, I was upset and my heart broke, but when I saw you at college I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you,"

"Now husband and wife you may kiss the bride,"

Cyd and Naldo kissed and that was the end of the wedding

Aww wasn't that sweet ok so I'm still need ideas on what to do because my brain is fried sometimes from school😂😂 if you liked it vote and make a request ok bye

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now