{5} uh oh

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Hello I would like to thank GissellaDelatorre for this idea so lets getting started

Hey I am Cyd Ripley and well I can tell you that I'm your any average teenager but with time traveling experience well better go

As Cyd and Shelby walked into school they saw Barry writing in his science notebook and Naldo being his regular self

"Hey boys" Cyd said as she took a seat next to Naldo

"Hey sunshine" Naldo said as he put his arm over her shoulder

"Aww aren't you two cute together" Shelby said

"Yea girls smell this" Barry said holding something something in his hand

"I'm not going down that road again I don't even know what I smelled" Cyd said making a
Disgusted face

"Cyd?" A voice said

"Huh who could that b--" Cyd ask then she realize that it her old boyfriend from 8th grade so she removed Naldo arm from over her shoulder and ran to the boy

"Who dat" Naldo said

"Oh that Kyle her old boyfriend" Shelby said then Cyd walked over to them

"Hey guys meet Kyle. Kyle meet Shelby Barry and my boyfriend Naldo" Cyd said

"Hey guys" Kyle said "anyway Cyd can you show me around?" Kyle said

"Sure lets go" Cyd said then they walked out

"Uhg why does he have to be good looking then me" Naldo said

"Don't worry she'll come around" Shelby said

"Yea give it a chance even though they may get back together or may cheat on you" Barry said then Shelby slapped his arm

"I have to stop that from happening" Naldo said then running out

"Thanks a lot Barry you made him scared" Shelby said

"What I had to give him a heads up" Barry said

With Cyd and Kyle
As Cyd and Kyle arrived at the backyard of Shelby house they were laughing and talking

"I had a great time Cyd" Kyle said with a smile

"Me to" Cyd said with a smile

"Maybe we should hug right now" Kyle said

"Maybe" Cyd said laughing then she gave Kyle a hug then Naldo came from behind her

"Cyd?!?" Naldo said

"Huh" Cyd said then she turned around "hey Naldo it not what it looks like" Cyd said

"Oh yea it looks like my girlfriend is hugging her ex boyfriend" Naldo said then walking off but got stopped by Cyd

"Naldo please let me explain" Cyd said

"Cyd there nothing you can explain were over" Naldo said then walking off and left Cyd there with her eyes in tears

A few hours later
It was a few hours later and Cyd was on her bed looking at her phone trying hard not to cry then she got a text from Naldo

The text
Hey can you meet me at McDonald's in an hour

After that Cyd texted that she will be there then she got up and put on this⬇️ without the bag glasses

After that Cyd texted that she will be there then she got up and put on this⬇️ without the bag glasses

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Then after that Cyd went out the door

At McDonald's
As Cyd walked in she saw Naldo sitting at a table for two and was on his phone so Cyd walked over to him

"Hey you wanted to see me" Cyd said

"Yea listen you can be with Kyle it won't bother me" Naldo said

"Naldo your crazy why would I go out with Kyle" Cyd said

"Because I saw you hug him" Naldo said

"Naldo he said maybe we should hug and I said maybe it was a friendship hug not a dating hug" Cyd said

"Oh" Naldo said then Cyd grabbed his hand

"Naldo he the past your the present and it was the longest relationship I ever had then with Kyle we maybe didn't date for 3 months or less" Cyd said

"Oh that makes me feel better" Naldo said

"And he told me that he fine with you and me dating" Cyd said then Naldo smiled

"Cyd ripley will you go out with me...again?" Naldo said standing up

"I would love to" Cyd said then they hugged for 5 minutes

Aww what a happy ending hope you like it GissellaDelatorre well bye

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now