{22} Be My Valentine (Prt 2)

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Naldo waited with his palms sweaty for Cyds Answer. While holding the flowers

"So Cyd will you go to prom with me?" Asked Naldo

Cyd smiled

"Of course Naldo I would love to go to prom with you," cyd said as she took the flowers and hugged Naldo

Naldo looked at Phoenix while waving bye behind Cyd

Phoenix rolls her eyes and walks away

The night of prom

It was the night of prom and Cyd and Shelby were getting ready,

"I still can't believe Naldo asked you to the prom," Said Cyd

"I know right,"

"To be honest you two do make a pretty dope couple," Said Shelby

"We do don't we?" Asked cyd

"Duh anyway let's get our dresses on," Said Shelby

They went to get there dresses on

Cyd's dress

(I know Cyd Doesn't like pink but I couldn't find nothing in red😂)

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(I know Cyd Doesn't like pink but I couldn't find nothing in red😂)

Shelby's dress

They both come out of the two different rooms

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They both come out of the two different rooms

"Don't we look good," Said Shelby

"I know right and I love your dress," said Cyd

"No I love yours," Said Shelby "Naldo is going to love it,"

"You really think so?" Asked Cyd

"I know so," Said Shelby

"Thanks Shelbs," Said Cyd

"No problem," Said Shelby "now lets do hair,"

"Ok," Said Cyd

They walked back to Shelby's room and did there hair

After a few hours they got done. Cyd has an curly updo and Shelby has a down updo with a braid crown in her hair

"Alright our dates should be here any minute," Said Cyd

"I can't wait to see the look on Naldo face after he sees you," Said Shelby

"Same I can't wait to see drakes face when he sees how you look," Said cyd

"I don't know if drakes the right person for me," Said Shelby

"What do you mean I thought you loved him," Said Cyd

"Well I like someone else, but you'll think it's weird," Said Shelby

"Come in shelbs you can tell me anything," Said Cyd sitting down next to Shelby on the bed

"Ok I like Barry, but he doesn't like me back," Said Shelby

Cyd was about to say something when Astrid yelled from downstairs

"Girls your dates are here," said Astrid

"Well that's our cue are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure," Said Shelby

They walk downstairs to see Naldo and Drake

"Why don't you ladies look beautiful tonight," Said Naldo

"Aww thanks Naldo," Said Cyd blushing

"Shelby you look beautiful tonight," Said drake

"Thanks drake.." Said Shelby

"Come on guys let's get pictures," Said a happy Astrid with a phone camera in her hand

"Mom," Said Shelby

"What I'm not missing my kids most important day of there lives," said Astrid

Shelby and cud rolled there eyes and got there picture taken

"Alright we better get going," Said Shelby

"Alright have fun be home by 10," Said Astrid

They nod and leave

At the dance

They arrived at the Valentine's Day dance and saw people dancing, Cyd grabs Naldo to the center of the commons while Shelby stands next to drake.

"Drake I need to talk to you," Said Shelby

"What is it?" Asked drake

Shelby sighed

"Drake I think we should break up, it not you it's me,"

"Shelby, I understand," Said drake

"Thanks are we still friends?"

"Of course," Said drake

They hug

Halfway towards the dance a slow song played.

"Cyd im really am having a great time tonight," Said Naldo

"Aww so am I," Said Cyd

"Cyd I've been meaning to ask you this but....will you be my girlfriend?"

"Does this answer your question?" Said cyd

Then she kissed him and then a second later she pulled away

"So is that a yes or?"

"Yes Naldo, I'll go out with you," smiles Cyd

Naldo smiles

And they lived happily ever after.....

Hope you enjoyed that one shot if you have any ideas suggest them and I'll try my best to do them, and sorry if some words are spelled wrong I recently got a new phone for my birthday and it's way bigger then my old one 😂😂😂  anyway bye!!

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