{20} my sister from Another mother (prt 2)

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"Guys it's not what it thinks," said Naldo dad

"Well it looks like my dad was kissing Cyd's mom."

"I wished I've never seen the picture." Cyd said as she face palmed her face

"Sweetie just thinking that....Robert do you have anything because I don't." Cyds mom said

"Cyd it's ok I know your not over your dad but I think it's time to move on."

"So we have decided that we are.....moving in together." The both parent said

"WHAT!" Cyd said

"Honey please I think it's time to get over your dad."

"But that's the problem I won't." Cyd said then she ran off

"I'll find her." Said Naldo

Hope you like it sorry it's short I have dance in an hour and yea

Make sure to vote and comment any one shot ideas ok bye

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