{17} Photograph

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Cyd has moved to another city just 3 weeks Ago and Naldo has felt very lonely and quiet, he wouldn't focus on his school nor the football team. Shelby says that it's because he likes Landry, and Barry thinks the same thing but he just misses her

One day Cyd and Naldo has decided to face call each other, but as Naldo called he saw something that broke his heart. Cyd with another guy

"Who this Cyd?" Asked Naldo

"Oh this is Joaquin. My boyfriend." Cyd said and with those two words Naldo was heartbroken

"Oh cool." Naldo said with a smile but underneath the smile was a frown

"Naldo are you ok?" Asked Cyd

"Yea i'm fine well have fun you two I got to work on science homework." Naldo said

"Ok bye Naldo." Cyd said and then she hung up and after she hung up he looked all around his room at the pictures of him and Cyd from kindergarten through the day she moved, And he also remembers being her Prom date when she found out that her boyfriend cheated on her with Samantha Reed

As Naldo looked at the pictures he stroke the picture of Cyd with tears strained on his face

"I miss you Short Stack." Naldo said calling her by her nickname that he always called her And he left and did something that Cyd wouldn't approve.....Cutting himself

Hey guys so I know this is short but I have a lot of studying to do and i'm trying to catch up as much as possible so yeah ok bye

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now