{25} Cheated

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Hey ok so sorry if this is going to be short, I'm having a rough and sour day so yea and sorry if it's not perfect I tried but I'm just really down right now 😔 and also because I have dance within the next hour 😂


"I can't believe you would do that!" Shouted cyd

"What I Said I was sorry!"

"Listen Joaquin this isn't going to work...I'm sorry, hope you and savannah will live a happy life together," Said cyd as she was crying

She walked to Shelby's house to See Naldo there.

"Why are you here it's 12 at night?" Asked cyd

"I saw your status, what happened?" Asked naldo

"It's Joaquin...he cheated on me with savannah," Said Cyd

Naldo hugs Cyd

"Aww I'm sorry it's his loss," Said Naldo "Anyone would love to go out with a smart, unique, and beautiful girl like you,"

Cyd smiles

"Thanks Naldo your the best," Said Cyd

They hug for a second

A year has passed and they started dating....

Sorry it's short again rough day and I have dance in an hour so yea another one might be out tonight but I don't know depends if I feel better....

And before you ask yes the last one got deleted...I did that on purpose...

Ok bye

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now