{27} Unchained

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Hey so I got this idea off of a book so credit to whoever made it

It was Cyds first day at the New Orleans asylum, she was called because of a dangerous patient that they have there. So she walked in,

"Hey," Said cyd with a happy smile

"Hey are you Cydney Ripley?" Asked The person at the front desk

"Yep that's me I was called in because of a patient that was dangerous,"

"Right you mean Naldo Montoya," Said The person

Cyd nodded

"Bring in Mr Montoya please," Said the guys through the speaker phone

After a while Cyd saw a boy about her age in a restraining jacket

"Cydney this is Naldo," Said the guy "be careful with her,"

"Yes sir," Said Naldo

They left
Cyd sighed

"Ok so tell me why your in here," Said cyd

"I'm in here because of the murder of my friend Barry;" Said Naldo

"Ok what was this Barry kid like?" Asked cyd

"He was smart, he was nice,"

"But then why did you try to do what you did?" Asked cyd

"I had this girl, she was my everything, but one day....she cheated on me with my best friend, so I had no choice,"

"Naldo I understand that your mad and angry but you need to understand that you have to face your consequences, so how long are you in here?"

"About 2 more years," Said Naldo

"Wow that's a lot,"

"I know and I'm sorry for what I did, it's just....she broke my heart," Said Naldo as he started to break down

"What was her name?" Asked Cyd

"Layla," said Naldo

"Want me to track her down?" Asked cyd

"No you don't have to...besides I'm kinda liking my new doctor," Smiled Naldo as he winked

Cyd blushes

"Thanks but I'm not here to flirt I'm here to help you face your consequences, but if you want try again in 2 years," smiled Cyd

2 years later

Naldo just got out of the asylum and he is trying to straighten up himself from his past actions, cyd still works at the New Orleans asylum but gotten transferred to Portland because of a dangerous mission.

"Cyd I don't want you doing this," Said Naldo

"I have to besides I'll be back in 6 hours in the meantime you can take care of Brianna, got it?" Asked cyd

Naldo smiled as cyd kissed his cheek

"Sure honey won't let you down,"

He was glad he had a great life and he has learned from his mistakes

Cyd and Naldo one shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now