"Want one?" Frank asked. 

"Yeah I'll take one." Mason replied, holding out a hand. But instead of taking the jelly bean, he knocked the bag out of Frank's hands. "Aw, oops." 

Bitch.... I mean, Zinnia, his girlfriend laughed as they walked away. 

"Ally he just...He... Why?" Frank stammered. "That is SO wrong! You don't do that! You just don't! You can roba bank all you want, or burn down a house, but you do NOT spill, someone's jelly beans!" 

I patted his back as we excited. The mall was too crowded for us. "It's okay Frankie." 

He pretended to cry into my shoulder. "I only had ten!" He 'cried'.  

"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier." I started to sing as I put my arm arouns him. "Ooh child, things are gonna get brighter." 

"Okay that's enough." He said, taking his head off of my shoulder. 


"I have to go home for dinner Ally." Frank explained as I walked in. 

"Yeah yeah, I'll se you in a bit." I replied. "See ya." 

"Hey mom." 

"Hi, I'm going to the store, and the kids are coming with me. I'll be back in a bit." She explained, grabbing her purse and fishing out the keys. 

I locked the door behind her and sat on the couch, watching as the sun went down. I was bored now, Frank was eating with his family, and mom was at the store. 

My day went by pretty fast, I realized this when I looked at the clock. 


I grabbed some leftover soup and ate that... At the table... Alone... All. By. My. Self. I sighed when I remebered what day it was, and that my dad wasn't home yet. He was probably getting wasted again. And he'd be home soon too. 

I went up to my room to draw for a bit. I was trying to think of what to draw too. I staired at the celing, tapping my pencil to my lips. I looked on my wall at the picture of Frank I drew, the one Mason tore and Frankie put back together. 

I really liked that picture, I grabbed my art book and decided to draw another of Frank. 


My head shot up. My dad was home. I rushed down the stairs and found that it was in fact him, and he was in fact drunk out of his mind. The smell of booze filled the house as he stumbled in. 

"Dad!" I said, rushing to catch him before he fell and broke something. 

"Leave me alone." He muttered, trying to help himself, but he could hardly stand, I don't know how he gets home. 

Some People Hope (Frank Iero Fanfiction Carry On This Way Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now