Chapter 12: Ex?!!

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Jieun P.O.V.
I was sleeping peacefully when my phone started ringing from my desk. "Cause I’m a pilot anywhere, Cause I’m a pilot anywhere, Lighting star shooting star, julge nae galaxy.
Cause I’m a pilot anywhere, Cause I’m your pilot ne gyeote~" My ringtone went. (Chorus from Galaxy by Bol4) I grumbled and got up reluctantly, picking up the phone. "Yeoboseyo?" I asked dragging my voice. "Jieun sshi, an injured patient just came in and we need you urgently. We're at block C O.R." My co-worker said quickly. "Ne, I'll be there in 5 minutes!" My eyes shot open and I got up immediately hanging up the phone. Tie-ing my hair into a messy bun, I wore my medical coat(idk what its called) and ran to block C.

*After operation*

I sighed as I walked out of the O.R. I threw my used surgeon suit into the bin and washed my hand before walking back into the lobby. It was already 7am since the operation took 4 hours, and I was starving and exhausted since I slept late. But the day was only starting at I still had tons of work to do. "JIEUN!" Hana creeped from behind. "AISH KAMJAGIYA!" I jumped and woke up. "Where were you? I couldn't find you this morning." She asked putting her hands into the coat's pockets. "Emergency call." I replied non-energetically. "Poor you. Aren't you cold? You're still in your pajamas." She asked pointing at my outfit. "A maja. I forgot." I said. "See you after work. Bring me food too." I said and ran off back to the dorms. After changing into a sweater and sweatpants, I went downstairs to report to my duty.

"Yah!" Hanbin whisper-shouted tapping my hand. I suddenly straightened myself and opened my eyes, I was dozing off during a meeting with my teammates from the lack of energy today. "So any suggestions on how we can go around it and to the injury?" My team leader, Sungmin asked. I streached secretly under the table and opened my eyes to pay attention to the meeting. Luckily I was sitting beside Hanbin so he helped me cover my face when I was dozing off. The meeting on for like..FOREVER and I could feel myself dozing off again. "I think we can end it for today, we will continue the discussion tomorrow." Sungjin Sunbae said and everyone packed their papers and left. I let out a heavy breath and slammed my head on the table, closing my eyes for a moment. "Waegurae? Usually I'm the one dozing off, why are you dozing off today?" He asked nudging my arm. "Shh! Let me sleep for just awhile." I said and continued dozing off. "Wanna get brunch?" He asked. My eyes shot open and I stood up, taking in a big breath and relaxed myself. "I need coffee. Gaja." I said and pulled Hanbin with me.

We sat down at a table and sipped on our coffees. "Oh thank the lord for this cup of coffee." I said pressing my palms together. I heard Hanbin chuckle and stare at me. "Stop staring, you don't know how I feel." I said and sipped on my coffee. "Ne, ne, I don't understand anything." He put his hands up and smiled. "Yah, did you see the new doctors that transferred here? I heard they're a couple!" We both heard the girls seated beside us squealing. "They match each other so well, and they're so sweet towards each other! I'm so jealous." Another girl added. "I would be so lucky to have a handsome boyfriend like him. And that girl is so pretty too!" She said. "You guys heard about the new doctor couple too? Someone said they were from Seoul Natiom Hospital! I wonder why they were transferred here." The girl from another table joined in their conversation. "A new doctor couple huh?" Hanbin muttered. "Hey it's time for our duty, let's go." I said and walked ahead of him. "Wait up!" He exclaimed catching up to me. "JIEUN!" I heard Hana shout as she ran towards me and Hanbin. "BAD NEWS!" She exclaimed catching her breath. "Did you hear about the new doctor couple?!" She asked and I nodded my head. "It's the Aesaekki and Fox." She said biting her lip. My jaw dropped at the two names. I haven't heard those names in a while. "Hanbin, I'll see you later." I said and ran with Hana.

About the Fox and Aesaekki, they aren't called those, it was the nicknames me and Hana gave them. You see, that aesaekki, is Jeon Wonwoo, the first boyfriend I had after entering medical school. And that Fox is Hirai Momo, his girlfriend and our ex-bestfriend. How are the 4 of us related? Well when we were still attending medical school, I started dating Wonwoo and had 2 bestfriends, Momo and Hana. They were my pillars of support in medical school and we were super close. But when Hana and I were shopping at the mall one day, we saw Wonwoo and Momo making out in a shop. I confronted him and he had admitted to cheating, same with Momo, so I broke up with Wonwoo and Hana and I stopped hanging out with Momo. I guess they were still together until now.

Hana led me to the balcony and there, we saw Wonwoo and Momo introducing thenselves to the nurses there. "Aish jinjja. I need to get my chart from them, how are we supposed to go there without bumping into that b***h." Hana said. "We? There's no way I'm going down with you." I said back. "Wae?! I don't want to see that girl too, but it's not like you can avoid them for the rest of the time you're working here." She replied. "True.." I trailed off. Wonwoo and Momo sudddenly held hands and showed it the nurses. Then Hana made gagging noises and pretended to vomit. "Ugh. I regret not kicking that aesaekki in the balls when he confessed." I said. "And I regret not pulling out that Fox's hair all out when she was being fake as h*ll." Hana added. Both of us sighed and headed for the escalator to the lobby. "Why did I agree to this?!" I said regretting following Hana. "Minji sshi, can I have my patient chart?" Hana asked as we approached the front desk. "Oh! Annyeong Hana, Annyeong Jieun, long time no see!" That Fox said waving to us with a bright smile. (I WAS SCREAMING ON THE INSIDE AS I WROTE THIS, LIKE I NEED CALM MYSELF BUT THE MOMO IN THIS STORY IS A B***C.) "Annyeong." Both of us said back and stared at them. Hana and my eyes met and we both knew what we wanted to do to her already. And by that I mean RIPPING OUT HER HAIR, how could she say that so plainly after what she did to us. "It's been a long time, we should really catch up." Momo said slowly walking towards us. Both of us saw Wonwoo standing there awkwardly as Momo took the lead. "Then maybe next time. Or not forever." Hana whispered the last part. I took out my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Hanbin. "Yah, I need to go now, see you later." I said walking off. Hana looked at me with those desperate eyes as if they said "What?! You can't leave me here with this bi***!" I simply waved and went back upstairs.

HAIIII IM BACKKKK. oh gosh typing that part is so pressuring from the anger inside me. Thank yall for reading this chapter!! I'm sorry for making u wait loong. I was supposed to publish this yesterday but I just couldnt bc of that part. Pls vote(totally not desperate either)

Btw u guys think I should do like an QnA? Lots of ppl r doing it lol. Probably not :/

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