Chapter 10

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Jieun P.O.V.
"What's going on?" Jinhwan asked. "Let's go check." Hana suggested. We immediately ran towards the traffic light. "Oh my gosh..." Hana said, covering her opened mouth. A car crashed into the traffic pole and there was blood everywhere. In the red car, it was overturned and the door flew off, revealing a family of 4. A father, mother, and a daughter. "CALL THE AMBULANCE! WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!" Hanbin shouted and all of them rushed towards the site. But I couldn't move, my feet was stuck to the ground and I couldn't move. Everything was a blur to me, the only thing I saw at that moment of time, was the girl standing outside of the police station. She was standing dazed in the middle of all the policemen rushing out to help the victims. She reminded me of myself 6 years ago...someone who just got bailed out of the police station. She was wearing black all around her, also dressing inappropriately for a girl her age. She suddenly dropped to her knees and covered her face, sobbing. I was switching my view between that girl and the accident in front of her. Without realising, tears started to pour out of my eyes non-stop. The ambulance arrived shortly after and that girl hopped into the ambulance with that her, I assume little sister, was in. I saw Hana and iKON sigh as they watch the ambulance leave. They suddenly turned to me, making me step back. I didn't have the courage to see them after that so I ran. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to go somewhere where it was peaceful and be alone.

Hana P.O.V.
"HURRY UP AND GET THEM OUT!" Hanbin shouted and we ran and helped the family. Chanwoo was at the side calling the ambulance while we helped to get the family out of the car. Since we were in front of the police station, policemen rushed out and helped us too. Soon the ambulance came and the paramedics took over amd brought them to the hospital. We turned our heads back to the direction of the car and saw Jieun standing there. She saw us too, but I didn't know why she didn't help, that was until I realised what she was thinking. She suddenly stepped back and ran. "Lee Jieun!" Hanbin chased after her. "Kim Hanbin! It's okay, let her be alone for a bit." I assured him. "What happened to her? Isn't she one of the best surgeons at the hospital? Why is she scared of what she sees almost everyday?" June asked. "Is she a coward?" He continued. "Shut up if don't know anything." I said and went towards the car. "What's with her?" Bobby whispered but I heard it. "Let's go back to the hospital." They started walking too.

During the ride, I recieved a text from Jieun.

Jieun: Sorry for running off. I need some time to myself. I'll go back by myself, don't wait for me.

Hana: Come back safely.

Jieun P.O.V
I was currently at the Han River bridge staring down at the water. I could see the tear drops falling from my eyes and into the water. The memories from 6 years ago was flashing through my mind that time. I've been staring at the water for about two hours now and it was almost 2 in the morning. Loud horns and tire screeches could be heard from the cars crossing the bridge but I ignored it. There were many people passing by me whispering things like "What's wrong with her?" "Is she planning to jump?" "Should we call the police?" "Did she escape from a mental hospital or something?" . During that 2 hours, I was thinking, 'Lee Jieun, what's wrong with you? You see blood and unconscious patients almost everyday, why couldn't you step in and help? They're probably going to say I was useless because I didn't even help them and that I'm pampered at the hospital.'. I woke up from my trance, put my hands in my pocket and walked towards the convenience store.

Buying a few cans of beer, I walked to the Han River park and sat down on a bench facing the river, opening the can and drinking beer. The quiet atmosphere of the park was suddenly ruined as I heard loud laughters from a nearby bench. As I looked, there was a group of boys and girls smoking and drinking there. They looked as if they were just high school students, but there was student that caught my attention; he looked different, he had bed hair and was wearing slippers, a thin shirt and loose pants, he looked as if he had just woke up from bed and was standing timidly at the side. From what I see, he looked like he was a freshman in high school and the rest were seniors. "Am I troubling you to buy us cigarettes and drinks in the night? Mian." A boy, maybe their leader said. The timid boy immediately shook his head vigorously. "Come join us. Have a smoke." That boy offered. He shook his head and stepped back immediately. "Wae? Are you scared of us?" That guy looked back at the group and they laughed. "You better take it or else." He changed his expression. "N-No need." The boy replied. "Are you asking for a beating?" Another guy said. He hesitantly took the cigeratte and was about to put it in his mouth when I cut in, "He said he doesn't want it, stop forcing him." They looked my way and laughed. "Ahjumma, this is none of your business." A girl said. "This is my business if that boy is involved." I pointed to the boy standing at the side. "Mwo?! You brought someone with you?!" The guy held his collar. "Ani, I'm not related to him. Just concerned." I took another sip out of my can and walked towards them. "Then it's none of your business. Ahjumma." He said again. "Ahjumma? Yah! I'm only a few years older than you brats." I said. "Go away before you regret it." Another guy said. "I'm afraid YOU will regret it." I said crossing my hands. The leader chuckled and suddenly launched his fist in my face but I caught his wrist and threw it back. He smiled and laughed again before trying to attack again. I caught it once again and kicked his stomach. He fell back and the other boys started attacking. They came at me at the same time but I blocked all their attacks again. As I was punching a boy, I turned back and was punched by another guy. My face and lip started bleeding a little so I side kicked that boy. All of them fell to the ground and curled up in a ball from the pain. "Do you girls want it too?" I threatened. "Ani, Unnie." They stepped back. "You guys better remain in school and study hard. ARRASEO?!" I shouted. "Ne.." They replied softly. "Give me your phone." I asked the timid boy. He gave it to me with no hesitation and I keyed in my number. "If they ever bully you again, call me okay?" I said returning the phone. "Kamsahamnida noona." He bowed. "Study hard." I said and alked back to the bench. I touch my lip and there was a scratch on my cheek and bruise at the corner of my lip that was bleeding. "Aish." I winced as I touched it. I sat back down and drank finish the beer in one gulp. I threw away the cans in the bin and went back to the hospital.

Sorry!! This was sitting in my drafts, I wanted to post this with my other chapter but I'll just publish it now lol

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