Blaze Alliance Members

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The Blaze Alliance's main 20 members coming from only Blaze are formed into 2-4 man squads. Each given a name for identification. Such as.....

Gamma// Molly (left){gravity magic} Holly (right) {air magic}

Delta// Kurt (left){defense magic} Keith (right){blast magic} Kaine (middle) {dispel}

Beta// Bailey (left) {water magic} Hailey (right) {wind magic}  Cailey (Middle) {earth magic}

Alpha// Ren (only one in picture) {sword and  tourture​  magic}  and Woshi

The three groups listed first are the ones that take shorter term missions. The Alpha team is currently paused due to Ren being appointed to the magic council.

Another two man squad is made up of Jax (left){ mimic } and Max (right) {possession} those two are still in training and don't take very long missions. Currently being raised by Alice.

The other 5ish members will be named later and do not live within the guild.

The inside of the guild is separated into 4 levels. The main floor holds the guild hall/ like the lobby. With a bar in the back and a kitchen to the left. On the floor many tables and benches are arranged. A large bored littered with missions sits next to the wall by the stairs and bar. To the right is a set of stairs, One leading up and the other leading down. Down below is the cellar. Were all the liquor and food is kept. It also serves as a storage unit. Up on the second floor is a fireplace with two large couches face each other. On either side is a hall way that leads to the members rooms. Each side having 5 different rooms. A name plate hanging from a small nail on each door. Either the person's name or team name painted neatly onto the plate. Most 2-3 man teams share a room. Each given a bunk bed or row of three full sized beds (like a hotel with two queen beds) a built in bathroom as well. Those not sharing a room receive one full sized bed with a built in bathroom. Members are free to decorate the room how ever they please. On the third floor is the guild master office to the left/also kinda like her room. To the right is the clinic/hospital room thingy! In front of the guild is the court yard. Used for gatherings and brawls, but most often it's used for training.  To the right and back  is a garden of vegetables and fruits, filled with many different trees and flowers.

  To the right and back  is a garden of vegetables and fruits, filled with many different trees and flowers

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