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Name: Alice (Lex) Morro
Age:looks 16 but is 18
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100lbs

She floats sometimes. IDK why man she just does. Has nothing to do with magic it's just her sugar highs make her float.

Magic: Âge Seal// This Magic gives the user the ability of controlling the time-space continuum, giving them the freedom of stopping all and every motion within their "world," suggesting that it is only accessible to the user of the Magic with the user being shown able to freely move around at will during its usage. To activate, the user clicks their teeth together which immediately postpones the time balance. However, it appears that people who are also able to control the laws of space and time are able to penetrate the Magic, canceling it out to those who are affected. Also, there are certain people/magical figures who are to bypass this Magic, and it was implied they are able to move freely when the Magic has been activated.
(Has a limit and is very tiring)

Law of Retrogression// This Magic allows the caster to lower the magical, as well as physical, abilities and skills of the target as well as making them look like a younger state of themselves. Affected targets suffer from lack of proper movement because of the new size of their body, slower Magic usage, greater Magic consumption, weaker physical abilities and lower defense. Also, the affected targets in their younger state sometimes may remember what they had experienced as kids. However, if the caster loses control of their emotions, the effects of the Magic are nullified and all afflicted targets return to their normal state.
(Tis how she stays young)

Memory Control// This Magic allows its users to add their existence to other people's memories, delete parts, or even completely rewrite a person's memories of events they took part in. However, it works the same as Charm: if the targets find out about the truth, the Magic will wear off. An additional skill associated with this Magic is that the user may at any given point relay and subsequently replay their own memories to whomever they desire.
(Gives terrible headaches and if over used the user throws up blood)

Personality: She is hyper and childish. Usually happy go lucky and is full of mischief. She adores fun and eventful things. Lotheing anything she considers boring. She goes through phases of being very quiet and easily irritated. When inraged she is cold and cunning. Merciless and blood thirsty.

Bio:She used to be the guild leader of a dark guild. One that was sorta like the magic council (if you know what I mean) Only leaving the dark guild because she was bored. She told herself "fuck it why not" and started the blaze alliance. An actual guild and proceeded to follow the councils rules. Well only if they weren't too boring. That was many years ago but she hasn't aged a bit. Still childish but almost like multiple personalities. She is a cold and cunning killing that ruled over many dark guilds. Yet she is a child that runs around the guild happy go lucky and pouts when she can't pull pranks.

Quote: "Death is terrible for anyone. Young or old, good or evil, it's all the same. Death is impartial. There is no especially terrible death. That's why death is so fearsome. Your deeds, your age, your personality, your wealth, your beauty: they are all meaningless in the face of death."

"There isn't anything that's evil to everyone. Even the worst evil saves something. On the other hand, even the greatest good hurts someone. The phrase "There are no absolutes in this world" means there isn't any absolute good or absolute evil."

"Let those who seek death find it."


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