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Name: Kirsi (k-ear-see)
Height: 5"6
Weight: 130lbs

Elemental Magic: Water

Specialty: She possesses the innate ability to use observer spirits. Kirsi is able to send her observer spirits via the medium of water. As long as she maintains physical contact with water, Kirsi is able to track and eavesdrop on anyone near water.

Role: Support

Strength: Photographic memory which allows her to learn maps and locations easily. Undetectable spying and can double as a guide. Kirsi is very skilled in combat, ranging from  synchronized use of various weaponry to forms of hand to hand combat arts. Kirsi has always tried to familiarize herself with weapons of all types and styles. Doing so because her magic is lacking in attack or defense and can only really be used to support. Thus she felt helpless and decided that to claim her revenge she would have to master the art of war. Kirsi is far from a master but she is improving rapidly and trains daily.

Weakness: One must be near water for spirits to appear and she must have physical contact with water. The farther the distance the more energy required. When using the spirits she not fully conscious. She cannot fight and use her magic at the same time, one or the other.

Bio: Kirsi grew up in a small village near a dark zone. Demi humans and monsters were a common occurrence. Since a young age Kirsi has had to lookout for herself. When a group of demihumans and dark mages attacked her village, Kirsi tried to use magic to stop them. The leader of this group saw potential in Kirsi. So he slaughtered everyone in the village and burnt it to the ground. Taking Kirsi with him on his rampage. Kirsi promised herself shes get stronger and kill him. The man was thrilled with the idea and trained her relentlessly. Forcing her to use and evolve her magic to the state it is in now. Hours upon hours of flights the the death. The man would often make Kirsi fight hostages that had been promised freedom for her head.  She hated the thought of killing but soon the concept of kill or be killed was drilled into her head. Kirsi was ecstatic when she gained enough power, only for nobles to come in and steal her kill. Since then she's been tracking those that stole from her with the intent of stealing their lives. Excluding her revenge, she intends to save the lives of as many people she has killed in the hope of repentance.

-Growing Pains by Farewell Fighter
-Look at me by Unlike Pluto
-Shameless by ColorBlind

-"I will let you hate me, if that's easier than loving me."
-"We are made of those who have built and broken us."
-" If I told you how I got this way, you would marvel at my ability to still stand."
-"You cant take a life and expect karma not to do the same."


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