Sick Minds

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Name: Kasai
Height: 5"
Weight: 95lbs

Looks: Medium length light brown hair. Gold eyes. Two tongue piercings, many ear piercings and a few tattoos

Personality: He is a very hyper child. Always talking about his god. Seducing males and females he doesn't care. He loves sexual pain.

Bio: Kasai always fantasized about setting the world on fire. At a young age he was always starting fires. It was a rush for a high he could never get enough of. When he turned 9 he found himself in a cult. They believe in a goddesses of war and fire. (Much like Jashinism) they believe in blood,Ash,and sacrifice. This cult being very violent and sexual. Burning their sacrifices like witches on a post. They ravished in pain. Both physical, sexual, and mental. One night during a sacrifice the police raided the cult building. To find men and women burning to death and many of the members in the middle of what could only be described as an orgy. Kasai was taken away from the cult at 15 and has been at "healthy minds" for two years. Seducing the doctors and nurses. Let's not forget some of the patients.

Song:  Blasphemy by Bring Me The Horizon
In Case of Emergency, Dial 441 by Sleeping With Sirens

Quote: "I don't rise from the ashes, I make them. I'm the whole fucking fire."

His Lighter

His Lighter

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His God

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His God

More Of Him

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More Of Him

More Of Him

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