Shade Mar

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NAME: Shade Mar


AGE (approx.): 17 (looks about 13)
WEIGHT: just a bit over 100lbs
EYE COLOR: light green
POWER: Shadow manipulation

PERSONALITY: He's very bubbly and hyper. Like he's always on a sugar high. He has a very manic personality then crashes into a very phycotic depressed state. He's severally bipolar.

LIKES: Chalk, cookies
DISLIKES: sleep, most people
FAVORITE FOOD: chocolate chip cookies
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: cooked carrots

BIO: Shade grew up in the lab. He can't remember a life before it and honestly doesn't care. He enjoys his powers and has no interest in finding out who he used to be. Shade arrived at (whatever this place is called) at age 5. Since then he has been trained and given many powerful gifts. Being able to speak over 30 languages and mastering many forms of martial arts. Shade stopped age physical at the age of 13. Since then he has yet to grow or change in any way.

 Since then he has yet to grow or change in any way

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