Ryder Daniels

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NAME: Ryder Maximus Daniels

AGE: 15
WEIGHT: 100lbs

LOOKS: Green eyes and Jet black hair. He's very pale and tends to look very fragile. He has a slight build but isn't noticeable with the baggy clothing he wears. He's full blooded Italian. Many peircings (picture is him without his peircings on/in)

 Many peircings (picture is him without his peircings on/in)

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BIO: Ryder was born into a mafia family. He was raised to be a gaurd to the next heir. Learning multiple languages and fighting styles. The strictness of his parents lead to him becoming very neutral. Never sharing his opinion on things or expressing likes or dislikes. Soon he grew to never really care about anything, other than his job protecting and unexpectedly befriending the heir to the Moretti family. Along with very high level education he was brought into the world of art. He was exceptionally good from even a young age. Though he never really expressed his emotions vocally or through bodily expressions, he did express it through his paintings.
Being raised within the Mafia he learned how to live through some very difficult situations. The group was often injured and killed. Ryder saw death very often growing up and learned to patch up many different wounds. He only starts public school because of the heir wanting to be around more people his age. He loathed being around people and skips class very often, yet maintains a perfect GPA.

 He loathed being around people and skips class very often, yet maintains a perfect GPA

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