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Missy and Mickey had collectively decided to stay at the Milkovich house until everything blew over with Jimmy and the Gallagher's/Kev and Veronica. Mickey was strictly there to spend some time with his son and to protect his sister. Meanwhile, she was there until everyone was civil again and to protect her brother, it was a silent pact they made. Terry's condition was "No Gallagher's" which they were both following. He didn't go to jail for what he did to her because everyone was too afraid to speak against him.

Mike was sitting alone on the couch and Mickey was arm deep in water washing some of Yevgeny's clothes so she decided to speak to Mike. They hadn't spoken since his dads old boss showed up at her building. "Mike" she said softly, his arms were open for a hug but he wasn't looking at her. She sat down and he wrapped his arms around her but he wasn't going to the one to initiate anything. "I'm sorry okay. Everything got to my head. I should've protected you. I was a dick" she said, her arms were flying around as she spoke. "But I'm sorry, you know that's hard for me to say" she whispered, she rested her head on his shoulder and he looked at her for the first time. "I'm not mad at you" he said, smiling so she smiled back. "I love you and all but it was a two second rage. I ranted to Carl about how he ruined you basically I took all my anger out on him but after that I was fine. I've forgiven people who've done much worse so I sure as hell can forgive my best friend for hosting a fight and almost getting me beaten to death" he said as the pair laughed.

Their moment was interrupted by someone knocking rapidly at the door. "Missy ?" Mickey said as she shook her head. "Mike ?" Missy said but he also shook his head. "Lana ?" Mike said as she rolled her eyes. "Mickey" she said but the man scoffed. "I would y'know drop everything I'm doing to answer the door but I'm currently arm deep in water, trying to be a good father" he said annoyed as Missy laughed but the mood instantly shifted once Terry got up and walked into the living room. "Do you think any of you wasted sleeps could've answered the door?" he barked as Svetlana looked her head. "This is grandpa, you should never be like him" she said while picking up her child and carrying him into a bedroom.

"Mickey's not here, he's in Mexico" Terry through a yawn as he scratched his ass to a very confused Ian Gallagher. "I'm right fucking here" Mickey shouted S Terry shook his head. "He's actually dead, that's his ghost. You'll join him if you ever come back to my house" he said as Ian sighed and Missy joined her father at the door.

"Ian" she shouted through a smile before wrapping him in a hug, disgust instantly washed over her fathers face. "Jesus Marissa, no, keep away, you'll catch it" he shouted, pulling her back by the shoulder. "Catch what ?" she asked confused, as far as she knew Ian didn't have anything that was contagious. "What he has" he said bitterly, waving his finger at Ian. "You can't catch bipolar" she shouted, angry at his ignorance as her father scoffed. "Mickey's right, your brain is fried. No, you'll catch, you'll catch-" he said, trying to say the word. "You'll be like him and Mickey, a disgrace" he said, almost gagging as the pair put the pieces together.

"Charming Mister Milkovich" Ian said as Terry raised his hand to show him he'd it him. "Goodbye, I've got shit to do" he said about to close the door. "You were asl-" Missy began but Terry clasped his hands over her mouth to stop her from exposing him but Ian put his foot in the door. "Actually, I came to see you" Ian said as Terry stepped back, interested. "What's prison like ?" he continued as Terry leaned against the doorway. "Marissa, light my cigarette for me" Terry said while removing his cigarette from his behind his ear so Missy lit it for him.

"The boredom is the real killer. Marissa will tell you that" he said honestly as Missy nodded. "But Missy was being sliced open half the time" he said as Terry scoffed. "Missy's a pussy's name, I've always said it. Marissa sounds better. Of course she was target, a tall, skinny, beautiful brunette. Bitches inside love girls like her. I'm surprised she wasn't sold or something and since I have a reputation inside. They want to see if my kids are the same" he said as Ian nodded. "Then there's the food. Tastes like shit. Guards. Look like shit. And the assfucks and the mouthfucks which you'll probably enjoy" he said as Missy raised her eyebrows. "You got fucked in the ass and you blew people and you want to beat the shit out of Mickey for doing it ?" Missy asked while shaking her head but the man growled.

"No, you've gotta be the one doing it. Scare people yanno. Make them your bitch" Terry said as Missy shook her head. "Are you gay ?" she asked confused. "Call me fucking gay again Marissa" he shouted. "I asked if you were. I didn't say you were" she said as he shook his head. "I said call me gay again Marissa" he spat as she rolled her eyes. "You fucked a guy" she said as he sent a long hard glare which made her step back. "Like that. Scare people" he spat as Ian raised his eyebrows. "Well Milkoviches don't bottom anyway, even Missy tops" Terry said as Missy swatted him. "Fuck off pervert" she spat as the man grabbed her hand. "Hit me again" he spat as Ian interrupted.

"Is Mickey adopted ?" Ian asked as Missy laughed. "No. No. That's Missy" Terry said as Missy shook her head. "I'm not adopted. I'm fostered because you were a shit father" she said annoyed. "Why did I get to keep my other kids ?" he asked as Missy shrugged. "Maybe they were scared of you. Maybe Mom didn't want me to stay here. You were too drunk to notice" she said as Terry pinned her against the wall. "You mention your mother again and I'll fuck you up. And you're right. They are scared of me. And you should be too" he said as she nodded. "Alright. Get off me" she said trying to push him off as Terry looked at Ian. "Never come back. Family bonding to do" he whispered while closing the door. Leaving Ian stunned.

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