35) Revenge For Y/N

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The next day at school Yoongi and Hoseok were pissed. They literally interrogated the whole 1st grade before finding someone whom had information.

"Wait, so you were there when Y/N was being hurt?" Hoseok asked the younger girl, whom nodded.

"Yes um... she was being kicked and punched by um... I think their names are Tzuyu and Momo! They used to always hang around Jimin and his friends and I think that Tzuyu and Jimin were dating at some point, not sure why they are tooo young! But um... I pretty sure that they broke up and Tzuyu was mad at Jimin and so when she saw Y/N in the bathroom she hurt her" She placed a finger on her chin, frowning slightly as she tried to remember.

"Did they say anything?" Yoongi asked, trying to control the anger building inside of him.

"They kept saying something about "we can give a little pay back for what he did to us" and "Tell Jimin this is only the beginning and if he thinks that what he had did to us was fun he was very mistaken" and then she just left, I remember hearing Y/N crying and saying "why me" over and over again... she did nothing... she didn't deserve what they did to her..." She said frowning as she remembered everything.

"Thank you so much, you've been a great help, what's your name?" Hoseok asked as he hugged the sad girl.

"Joy... my names Joy..." Joy smiled at Hoseok.

"Thank you Joy... now can you show me where this Tzuyu and Momo are?" Yoongi asked with a smirk. Joy smiled and nodded as she guided the boys to a group of girls sitting at a table near Jimin's table. "So who's Tzuyu and Momo?" Yoongi asked as he glared at the group of girls.

"Me, who's asking?" Tzuyu said as she stood up.

"An elder, show your respect" Hoseok glared which took Jimin, whom was watching from a far, by surprise, he had never seen Hoseok glare in his life.

"I'm sorry Oppas! Who's asking?" Tzuyu put on a fake smile as she fixed her hair.

"Does the name Y/N sound familiar to you?" Yoongi glared. Momo's eyes widened as she took a step back. Yoongi noticed and smirked. "I guess it is, well, we are her older brothers and we'd like to have a little chat about yesterday" Yoongi glared, his smirk slowly fading. Tzuyu visibly glared as Yoongi started walking. Momo and Tzuyu followed behind him as Hoseok walked behind them.

Once they were in a quiet area the boys started their interrogation.

"Now, considering how much I really want to hurt the two of you, I won't, I'm not gonna stoop so low and hurt a girl, but test my patience and I might" Yoongi glared at the two girls whom gulped down the saliva that was forming in their dry mouths. Hoseok sighed and shook his head.

"Never mind him, I won't let him hurt you, now, what do you have against Jimin?" Hoseok asked he girls with a frown.

"I hate him! We were dating last year for like most of the year but then this new girl showed up and he completely ignored me!! And on our 6 month anniversary he broke up with me!! Ever since then he's been rude and ignores me and has been hanging around more girls and it hurts!!" Tzuyu screamed at the two, tears slightly forming in her eyes.

"So you think, that hurting Y/N was the best solution of solving this problem?" Hoseok asked looking at the two girls.

"I didn't wanna!!! Tzuyu told me to do it!! I didn't want to hurt Y/N she is really nice and gets bullied enough!! I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!!! I really really really like Y/N she is really pretty and kind and she always helps me with math and I'm sorry!!" Momo cried as she fell to her knees. Hoseok instantly wrapped his arms around the small girl who cried in his chest.

"Oh you're such a freaking drama queen! Why am I your friend" Tzuyu rolled her eyes at her crying friend. "I saw Y/N and thought that it would affect Jimin, I didn't know she had more annoying Oppas" Tzuyu glared at the three of them. "Now, leave me alone, also I'm glad that I beat Y/N up, she's such a nuisance and a nerd, I don't even get how most of the guys in our year even like her, she isn't even that pretty, plus I did her a favor, now she looks better" Tzuyu smirked.

What Tzuyu didn't know was that the boys had Mrs Choi near by and had overheard the whole conversation, beside the part where Yoongi threatened the two. The young girl's smirk instantly disappeared as the teachers silhouette appeared from around the corner.

"Mrs Chou, and Mrs Hirai please follow me to the principal's office" Mrs Choi ordered with a face of disappointment.

"B-But Mrs!" Tzuyu tried to protest.

"No buts also Momo please stop crying, you girls know the consequences of bullying yet you ignored them and did it anyways, so now you will face them" Mrs Choi said as she motioned the girls to walk in which they did. Hoseok rubbed Momo's back soothingly before she had left.

"Do you think we should have done that to them Hyung?" Hoseok asked Yoongi.

"It's much better than what I was gonna do to them, but I have more respect than to hit a girl" Yoongi replied with an uninterested face as he watched the girls walking to the principal's office with Mrs Choi trailing behind them.

Hoseok rolled his eyes as he saw Jimin running over to the two of them. Yoongi noticed and smacked Hoseok on the side of his head. Hoseok mumbled a small "oww" as he rubbed the sore area.

"What was that about Hyungs?" Jimin asked as he arrived at the two.

"You know it's your fault that Y/N got hurt... you disgust me" Hoseok said which caused him to get another smack on the side of his head.

"What do you mean it's my fault Hyung?" Jimin asked confused.

"Tzuyu hurt Y/N to get revenge on you for breaking up with her ya idiot! Y/N is sore and can't even walk because of pain in her stomach because she was a victim of revenge that was meant to be for you!!" Yoongi glared at Jimin. "She's always getting hurt because of you.." Yoongi sighed rubbing his forehead.

"I'd seriously think about the people you hang out with Jimin before Y/N gets hurt even more, she is constantly hungry because your friends steal her food, she's constantly hurt because your not there or for payback for things you've done Jimin... either stop being friends with them or invite Y/N's group of friends to hang out with you" Hoseok informed as both Yoongi and Hoseok left for Jimin to contemplate his options.

After a few moments Jimin ran over to Y/N's group of friends and invited them to come sit with his friends. They smiled and agreed because they know how kind Jimin can be. Once the girls were seated at the table both them and the boys clicked really well, becoming friends instantly.

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