24) A Day In The Life Of Y/N

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A/N: Thank you for 2K reads! It means a lot to me! And yeah hope you enjoy!

I was sitting in the middle, watching how Dad was trying not to freak out whilst driving us to school. He was dropping Yoongi and Hobi Oppa off first because me and Jimin Oppa can be late. Finally the school came into view and I saw Dad heavily sigh that they were still on time.

I watched as Yoongi Oppa got out of the car and then when Hoseok Oppa kissed my cheek before waving. I waved back smiling.

"Bye-bye Oppas!" I waved but I don't think they heard me, oh well their loss. Once they were safe in the schools gate Dad drove off towards the preschool.

It didn't take long to arrive so when we did Jimin Oppa and I quickly left the car. I quickly gave Taehyung, Jungkook and Dad a peck on the cheek before leaving with Jimin who was waving back. We raced inside but sadly Jimin Oppa won.

"No fair! You cheated Oppa!" I complained as I painted for air.

"Nu-uh! I won fair and square!" Jimin defended himself.

"Y/N!!" I heard my name being called out and it was from Lisa and Rose.

"Hiya Unnies!" I smiled as we huddled into a group hug.

"Hi Oppa!" Lisa smiled to Jimin who was standing there awkwardly.

"Hi.." He responded awkwardly. Not long after Jackson, Jinyoung and Youngjae walked in.

"Hey guys!" Jimin smiled as he 'bro' hugged them. They all responded with a "Hey" or a "Hi".

"C'mon guys go on through you have to get ready for class" Mrs Park who was standing in behind the desk informed them.

"Okie!" Rose said as she pulled Lisa and me to the back room. When we made it to the back there wasn't many people but I did see Hyuna and Jennie. Hyuna was reading her a book.

Maybe Jennie can't read? I thought but shook my head.

"Y/N wanna play... Tag! You're it!" Lisa said smiling as she slightly tapped you before running away.

"No fair Unnie!" I complained as I chased my two laughing Unnies.

"Lisa, Rose Unnie can you please be quiet? I'm trying to listen please" Jennie asked her two sisters.

"Sorry Unnie!" Lisa smiled to her.

"Tag you're it!" I said when Lisa stopped for a moment to talk to her Unnie. I ran away as soon as I tagged her though. When I was being chased I felt myself hit something and two arms wrap around me before I could fall.

"Careful! You could have fallen" Jackson said looking at you worriedly. You had ran into Jackson...

"Mianhae Oppa!" You smiled back getting into a normal standing position rather than the tilted one from before.

"Tag! You're it!" Lisa said from behind me.

"No fair Unnie!" I yelled as I chased her once again, a huge smile plastered on my face the whole time. Although I couldn't help but feel two pairs of eyes staring at me from behind but I just ignored them.

"Alright kids settle down! Come and sit so I can do roll call" Mrs Park said motioning for all the kids to come. I walked over and saw Jimin Oppa already sitting down so I sat next to him. He gave me a smile whilst I gave him a very tired smile which resulted in him chuckling.

Hyuna actually came and sat next to me whilst Jennie sat next to her. She gave me a small smile which I gladly returned. I saw how nice she was to Jennie and that made me smile.

"Alright Jackson!" Mrs Park called out.


"Chanyeol!" Mrs Park called out.

"Here Mrs!" He answered.

I waited patiently for my name to be called out which was sadly one of the last ones called.

"Ok, Jimin!" Mrs Park smiled.

"Here Mrs Park!" Oppa smiles as he answered.

"Great, and last but not least Y/N" She smiled as she looked at me.

"Here Mrs..." I replied slightly shyly.

"Alright! So today we don't have anymore books to read because we have read them all! So! You have free play all day except for nap, lunch and recess breaks.

All the kids cheered and ran off the go and play with something. I ran outside with Lisa, Rose, Nancy and Daisy and we played in the sandpit. They had arrived just before roll call. We all decided to make a hugeeee sand castle and fought for who would be Queen. Long story short, we built a Queen.

It was now time for nap and we walked back inside, wiping the sand off our hands and legs. I walked over to my already placed sleeping bag that was placed next to Jimin Oppa's.

I saw that he was already getting inside but stopped when he saw me. He smiled before continuing. I smiled but quickly made my way inside of my sleeping bag facing his way, as did he to me.

"Night Oppa" I smiled.

"Night Y/N" he smiled back but held out his hand. I placed my hand on his and he interlocked our fingers together, just like yesterday.

I slept with a big smile on my face. Although I couldn't help but feel eyes on me whilst I slept. I just shook it off again and waited for the day to end.

I watched as Dad walked inside with a tired smile on his face. I stood up and ran to him instantly.

"Hiya Daddy!" I smiled as I hugged his leg.

"Hiya baby where's Jimin?" He asked looking down at me.

"Oppa's outside I'll go get him!" I smiled as I ran outside. I saw Jimin Oppa talking with Jackson.
"Oppa! Dad's here we have to go!" I called out to him. I saw him smile and say goodbye before walking over to me and walking inside. I ran inside and to Dad once again and we began walking outside.

"Oh I forgot to mention we are walking to the school and back home" Dad said as we began walking. I groaned but nonetheless starting walking.

I could finally see the school approach and this was when my legs were dead.

"No more daddy!!" Iwhined as we finally reached Yoongi and Hobi Oppa.

"why were you walking?" Yoongi asked and in return received a sad smile from Dad.

"Namjoon's car is broken and he needed mine so we have to walk, I'm sorry but at least it's a good day and the weather isn't hot or cold?" Dad said trying to sound somewhat positive.

"I can't..." I complained as I fell on my knees. Dad sighed before picking me up and placing me on his shoulder. My legs hung down either side of Dad's head.

"Can we go now?" Dad asked the three who were still standing. We all nodded and began walking to the house. I was singing something the whole.

"Daddy I wanna walk now" I said when we had walked for about 10 minutes.

"Are you sure, there's still a long way to go?" Dad asked looking up at I. I nodded in response so Dad placed me back down on the ground and I took his hand in mine. Dad smiled and moved their hands back and forth whilst they started walking.

I turned around and smiled when I extended my hand out to Hoseok Oppa. He took my hand and walked faster so that he could stand next to me. A couple more minutes of walking was interrupted when a very familiar car parked next to us. It was our car and Dad was inside.

We all smiled and made our way inside the car. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi Oppa in the back, Me, Jungkook and Taehyung in the middle and Dads in the front. It didn't take long until we reached the house. They all climbed out but me, my buckle was stuck.

I saw Hoseok Oppa climb back inside the car to help me after I quietly called out to him. Hobi Oppa eventually undid the buckle and I waited for Oppa to climb out of the car. I climbed out after and walked to the front door. We went inside and I saw Yoongi Oppa close the car door as well as the front door.

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