11) Bet Winner

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The past few days went on in a flash. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. It was now time for Mrs, Kim to go home.

The kids (Hoseok and Jimin) helped her pack her stuff before helping her carry her baggage down the stairs. Yoongi had helped Jin in making a small lunch for his Mother-In-Law while she was on her way. She had refused at first but after Jin's persistent protests she gave up and took it.

Namjoon was cleaning the living room after the kids and his Mom decided to have a little mini party whilst Jin and himself went out for a little dinner date after going to watch a movie with everyone else. Mrs, Kim was the one who had suggested it and the couple couldn't deny her since they had wanted to go on a date for a while but never had the time.

Namjoon smiled as his Mother bent down to give all the kids a big hug and a kiss on the head. She smiled before standing up straight and made her way towards Jin and Namjoon.

"Thank you so much for the pleasure and hospitality of allowing me staying here" she said in a gentle and truest tone she could muster.

"Always Mom! Come anytime you want and maybe next time Dad could come as well?" Namjoon smiled to his mother.

"Of course! Are we still with the plan of Christmas? I hope so! I really want to spoil the kids!" She smiled cheerfully.

"Oh no, no, no you don't have to spoil them Mrs Kim!" Jin smiled as he joined in the conversation.

"Oh please Jin! In their Grandmother! Isn't it my job to spoil them?" She lightly laughed whilst Jin chuckled.

"Alright then oh! Don't you have to get going? Didn't you say something about Dad and you going out tonight?" Namjoon smiled to his Mother who checked the time.

"Ah! I should get going! By the time I get home I won't have long to get ready!" She smiled.

"It was a pleasure having you Mrs, Kim!" Jin smiled.

"Ah Jin what's with all this Mrs, Kim stuff! Just call me Mom ok? I am your Mother-in-law" She smiled as she pulls Jin into a gentle hug.

"Alright Mrs-Mom, have a nice trip home and be safe" Jin smiled in the hug. Mrs Kim nodded as she pulled away from Jin.

"Now you" Namjoon mentally gulped.

"You better treat Jinnie like a princess and protect him or else ima come a beat your as-butt. Your butt if you ever hurt him" Mrs Kim smiled innocently as she pulled Namjoon in a tough hug. "Ok?" She said in a serious tone.

"O-of course! Mom... hehe..." Namjoon stuttered in fear, stuttered!

"Good." Mrs Kim nods as she breaks the hug. "Farewell children I shall see you on Christmas! Jin, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call ok? And Joonie, I love you, and hurt Jin and I'll murder you ok? He's the purest soul alive!" She slightly flares as she grabs her bags.

"Ah! Let me take it for you Mom." But she hit his hands away.

"I may be old but I'm not weak either!" She hissed at Namjoon.

"Mom shall I carry it for you?" Jin asked.

"Oh thank you Jin! That would be a great help! Namjoon why can't you be like him?" She glared at Namjoon who threw his hands up in defeat. Jin chuckled slightly before helping his Mother-In-Law get to her car and placing her baggage inside. Namjoon stood at the doorway holding Jungkook with the kids standing in front of him. Jimin was on the verge of tears; he didn't want her to leave. Hoseok was making silly faces to make him smile. Yoongi was playing with the rocks with Taehyung. When Mrs Kim honked the car horn they all stood up and waved saying things like "bye" and "see ya soon!".

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now