30) Christmas Eve Pt 2!

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A/N: before we begin I'm so sorry for the late upload, quite recently I've had huge writers block or I can't focus on the story for more than about 5-10 minutes before my mind wanders off. It's not just the story it happens for everything! School work, when I'm reading even when I'm drawing and other things. Besides that I hope everyone is doing great! I wish that you are all healthy and well! Also thank you so much for 6K reads! It means a lot to me honestly and this story is #1 for FamilyLife!! I can't believe it! Well it's been #1 for a while but I thought that it would have been downgraded now but I guess not!! Anyways! Sorry for this long ass A/N enjoy this chapter!

Namjoon walked back into the living room, Y/N still clutching onto his side and shaking slightly.

"What happened!?" Jin asked as he noticed the state of his baby.

"Yoongi thought it was funny to put her on top of the fridge, she was terrified" Namjoon explained. Jin rushed over with a quick 'naww' and grabbed Y/N. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing silently.

"It's ok, it's ok.." Jin said soothingly as he patted your back gently. The peaceful moment was broke by another knock on the front door. Namjoon once again walked over and opened the door.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, what a pleasure" Namjoon smiled as he greeted Jin's parents.

"Yes it is Namjoon darling, how have you been?" Mrs Kim smiled.

"I've been great actually, ah Mr Kim, who has the company been? Hopefully all good news" Namjoon smiled to the older man.

"Yes indeed good news Namjoon my boy! All is great!" Mr Kim smiled as he gave Namjoon a handshake. Namjoon gestured for them to take their shoes off and to follow him into the living room. As they did they found Y/N cuddled up onto Jin's chest, shaking less now, but still shaking. Jin turned his head by the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Oh! Mom! Dad! You're here early! I thought you say that you couldn't get here until night?" Jin asked as he noticed it was only around 2 in the afternoon.

"Oh I couldn't wait any longer Jinnie! I wanted to see my babyyyy!!" Mrs Kim smiled as she pinched her sons cheeks. Jin chuckled slightly but still held you to his chest.

"Who's this little one?" Jin's father asked as he noticed Y/N's presence.

"This is Y/N, Y/N these are you other Grandparents" Jin smiled. You only sniffled as you smiled sadly to them. "She's a little upset right now" Jin reassured his parents after he saw the saddened look on their faces.

"Ok. Oh wow Jinnie you've done some more decorating! The place is still a little small but y'know, it's cosy..." Jin's Mother said as she looked around.

Just as Jin was about to say something he was interrupted by you slipping off his lap. You walked into the kitchen, grabbed a tub of ice cream as well as two spoons. You made your way upstairs, sniffling slightly as you ate some ice cream.

"Why does she look like she's going through a break up..?" Namjoon asked which caused Jin to shrug in response.

"No idea, maybe she felt bad for Yoongs?" Jin suggested. All the adults in the room shrugged.

"I'm hungwy!" Jungkook announces. Namjoon sighs before going into the kitchen and getting the boy an apple.

Y/N walked up to Yoongi and Hoseok's room and knocked quietly. After hearing a couple of shifting noises the door was opened revealing an annoyed Yoongi.

"What do you want Y/N?" Yoongi asked annoyed. She did say anything other than held out the ice cream tub and spoon. Yoongi understood and opened the door, making room for the younger. Y/N made her way to Yoongi's bed and sat down, back leaning against the headboard.

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now