4) School

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Namjoon's POV

Its been a few weeks since we have moved in. We have entered the kids into school, well Yoongi and Hoseok at least. Jimin is going to preschool, Taehyung and Jungkook have to stay home; they are too young to go to preschool. I was on the twin duty whilst Jin goes to work. I also had to drop off everyone else.

Jin had already left for work after getting the youngest three ready. Yoongi was refusing to get up like the sloth he is. Hoseok was so excited I swear he was bouncing off the walls.

"Yoongi! get up now!!"

"No!!" He replied lazily as he clutched onto his sheets as if he were to die if he let go.

"If you don't get up now, I'll take Kumamon for a month!!"

Yoongi mumbled something in the lines of 'fine you meany' and got off the bed. He made his way to his closet and grabbed out his clothes and eventually got dressed. Shit where did Hoseok go!?!

"Hoseok! Where are you buddy?" Why the hell did we get such a big house!?!

"RAWR!!" Hoseok has jumped out of one of the kitchen cupboards, wearing an adorable dinosaur onesie.

"Go and get changed, you can't wear that to school, you'll get in trouble"

"B-but..." Hoseok pouted.

"Also Mommy won't be very happy will he?"

" {gasp} oh no!! You are right Daddy... I'll go change! I don't want Momma upset!" Hoseok smiled at the thought of Jin before running to his shared room with Yoongi, to get changed.

Yoongi Check! Hoseok Check! Jimin.

"Jimin are you ready for preschool?"

I walked into the living room where the three youngest were, Jungkook and Taehyung were in this little play pen Jin had made to keep them still. It was always a pain trying to find one of them. One second they're there, and then the next they aren't. So we made a pen, where they can't escaped since they are too little to climb it (even though Taehyung tries to anyways). It has a bunch of toys, book, pencils, paper (for drawing) and it is next to the window. It was located to the right of the fireplace, (under the TV) next to the big couch and next to a wide open window. They had multiple couches (big, small, baby chair/arm chair for Tae and Kookie & big kid chair/ two arm chairs connected in the middle for the three oldest).

Jimin was sitting on the couch watching... sponge bob.

"Hey buddy are you ready for preschool?" I asked sitting next to him on the couch. It made the couch go down due to the extra weight but I don't care. Jimin only shook his head.

"Why not?" I placed a hand on his back and rubbed gentle circles.

"I don't want to go alone... why can't I go to big school like Yoongi and Hoseok?" Jimij pouted but i didn't stop rubbijg circles.

"You're too young Jimin but don't worry! Next year you'll be able to go to big school with Yoongi and Hoseok ok?" Jimin smiled at that and jumped up.

"YAY!!" He ran over to thr side of the room and grabbrd his little black backpack.

"I'm ready!" He shouted before running up to Jungkook and kissing his forehead.


"Momma already made everyone lunch and put it in our bags!" Jimin smiled back at me while playing with the twins.

"School! School!!" Taehyung cheered as he clapped his hands together.

Yoongi Check, Hoseok Check, Jimin Check, Twins... safe

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum