33) Discharged

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The past couple of days have consisted of the others going to school, Yoongi have detention for the first day he arrived back, and visiting Y/N. She was finally being let go and everyone couldn't be even more happier. 

Y/N as soon as she left the hospital bed -having not left it for the past few days except to go to the bathroom- stretched her arms up high, before hearing a small crack and sighing in content. Namjoon ending up carrying Y/N the whole way to the car after Jin complained, saying it was "too dangerous" for her to walk around in case she falls over or something.

Once they made it to the house, Namjoon once again carried you, but to the living room, placing you gently down on the couch.

"Daddy, I'm hungry..." Y/N pouted slightly, she hadn't eaten all morning because she didn't like the food they served for breakfast.

"I'll make you some cereal or toast?" Namjoon asked as he gently placed a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Cereal please Daddy, and can I have the chocolate cereal? I don't like the other one... yucky..." Y/N said with a face of disgust.

"You know that it is only a Tuesday thing Y/N, it's Friday." Namjoon shook his head, chuckling.

"But I wasn't here on Tuesday! So I haven't had any of the chocolate cereal!" Y/N protested. Namjoon opened his mouth, about to protest as well, but to his realisation you were in the hospital since Monday so you didn't have any of the cereal. He sighed, having known he had lost the fight and gave in.

He handed Y/N the cereal shortly after and sat down next to her. She instantly cuddled up to him, eating her cereal as the whole family watched movies and K-Dramas. Hours went past in a flash, so time does fly when your having fun! So when dinner time arrived, Jin simply ordered pizza; not having the energy to cook anything.

So they enjoyed their pizza, all cuddled up to each other, and watching some TV. At least until Taehyung declared tonight was 'Family Game Night'.

Now everyone was seated around the table, board games scattered everywhere. They had a family vote on what game to play and they all decided on Monopoly. They had two games going, seeing as not all eight of them could play on one board seeing as it was only a 7 player game.

So Y/N, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook played with the credit card version and Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon played with the empire version. They all played for a while until Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were all bankrupt and Y/N won. They all crowded around the 'big kids' game.

Jin was raging because Hoseok had stolen one of his tiles because one of the treasure cards said he could take one from someone. Namjoon eventually calmed Jin down so that they could continue the game. In the end Yoongi won.

The next game they played was twister. It was 2 V 2 so there would 2 rounds. First up was Jimin and Y/N on a team, and Yoongi and Hoseok. In the end after they were all tangled Y/N had won for their team making it 1 for them and 0 for the other. Yoongi and Hoseok grumbled away and so now it was Jin and Namjoon on the same team as Yoongi and Hoseok and also Jungkook and Taehyung, on the same team with Y/N and Jimin.

In the end Namjoon and Jin lost for the two Oh gets seeing as Jungkook was having a really hard time reaching the spots. So it was now 2 for Y/N, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook and 0 for Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok.

They had called it a night after a few more games; both teams ended up tied. Y/N decided to sleep with Yoongi and Hoseok again because she didn't want to be alone and they just so happened to be the closest. This time Hoseok and Y/N ended up snuggled onto Yoongi's chest whilst he just sighed.

"Goodnight Oppas" Y/N sleepily bid goodnight to her older brothers.

"Night Y/N, night Hyung" Hoseok, also sleepily bid goodnight.

"Yeah yeah, Night you two" Yoongi groaned but secretly smiled at the two fondly. He watched as the two heads laying on his chest slowly fell into deep slumbers before falling into his own.

They all woke up by the annoying sound of the alarm clock. Y/N tiredly reached a hand over to turn it off but the button wasn't working. In the end she gave up and threw the clock at the floor.

"Y/N!" Yoongi groaned, knowing that he'll be blamed for that.

"I don't care Oppa it shut up so I can sleep..." Y/N groaned, closing her eyes and snuggling back up against Yoongi's chest, Hoseok following shortly after. Yoongi sighed, realising that he can't move otherwise he will wake the two of them up.

Yoongi thanked whatever God he could that Namjoon walked in. He only chuckled and walked over, carefully picking Y/N up and taking her back to her own room, placing her in her own bed, covering her with the bed sheets and leaving with a loving kiss to her forehead. He returned shortly after and placed Hoseok back in his own bed, tucking him in with the bed sheets as he placed a loving kiss to Hoseok's forehead.

"Breakfast is ready, tell your Dad that Y/N and Hobi will eat later on... they need more sleep, also can you please clean up your mess" Namjoon winked before leaving the room. Yoongi groaned knowing that he meant the clock that layer lifeless in the middle of the floor.

Welp.... this was not how Yoongi thought his Saturday morning would start off as... he thought of something completely different.

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