1) Meeting The Kids

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A/N: So I decided to edit this story as I was very unhappy with the finishing result. When I had first begun writing it, I was young and didn't have much experience when writing. So, I am editing the whole story and adding things onto it! Although every slowly, it is getting there!

-Author~Nim 💜💜

Jin and Namjoon were currently driving to the adoption centre. They have been married for a couple of years already and wish to take the next step in their relationship. Hence why they are driving to the adoption centre. Since both of them were males they couldn't get pregnant so this was the only option they had.

Namjoon was the one driving due to the fact that Jin was practically bouncing in his seat out of excitement. He's getting a child after all. However Namjoon wasn't the same, he was absolutely terrified. What if I drop our kid? What if they hate me? What if I lose them and then Jin would leave me for losing our kid and OMG WHAT IF THEY DROWN OR-

"Babe" Jin called out, noticing his Husband's mental breakdown. Namjoon looked over before looking straight back on the road. "We'll be fine, I promise" Jin comfortingly placed his hand on Namjoon's thigh, trying to calm him down. One thing was for sure, Jin was Namjoon's safe haven, the only who could calm and relax him just from a simple touch.

Not long after they had arrived at the adoption centre. Jin excitedly ran out the car, whilst Namjoon took a few deep breaths before exiting, holding hands with his Husband as they walked inside the glass sliding doors.

"Hello Sirs! How may I help you?" The receptionist smiled cheerfully.

"Hello, we are Mr and Mr Kim, I believe we talked on the phone?" Jin smiled just as cheerfully.

"Ah yes! We already have them ready for you, I believe that they are in their rooms" She spoke as she typed a few things into the computer in front of her.

"Wait them?" Namjoon asked confusedly. He looked over at Jin who had a nervous smile plastered on his face. "I thought we were only going to get one child?" He added.

"Well yes, we were, but the thing is the little boy who we wanted to adopt wanted his baby siblings to stay with him and I couldn't just say no!" Jin defended himself.

"I really wish you had told me beforehand" Namjoon sighed but nonetheless smiled at his Husband. He soon turned his attention to the receptionist who had been waiting patiently.

"Are you ready to meet them?" She asked kindly. Namjoon and Jin nodded with big smiles on their faces. "Ok then follow me" She walked out from behind her desk and walked towards a hallway where there were a series of doors. Each had a number and a small window to look inside it. In room 2 there was a woman and child talking to each other.

We kept on walking until we reached room 10. The receptionist opened the door and motioned for Namjoon and Jin to enter the room. Inside were two chairs and a table in the middle. A toy box that was overflowing with toys in the corner and a small mat off to the side of the room.

"Please make yourself comfortable! I'll just go and get the children" The woman smiled as she closed the door.

"So how many?" Namjoon soon asked after the door was shut.

"Pardon?" Jin asked as he took a seat on one of the chairs.

"How many children?" Namjoon restated his question.

"I'm not sure, all I know is that the boy we wanted to adopt has siblings" Jin shrugged. "How many do you think?" Jin asked.

"Three? Four?" Namjoon sounded unsure. "What do you think they'll be like?" Namjoon added.

"I don't know, but I hope that they are all different and unique in their own ways" Jin smiled.

It wasn't long until the receptionist lady had returned to the room, opening the door with two children in her arms. Both on either side of her body. Namjoon and Jin can hear the pitter-patter of small feet from behind her.

"Guys get inside" The lady called out to the others. One after the other, three small children walked inside. One looking joyful and extremely happy. One looking shy and scared. The other looking as though he has had a couple drinks with how wonky he was walking.

"Ok so! This sleepy head is Yoongi" She smiled as she referred to the child on her right side. "He was the one who you were originally going to adopt and the oldest" The woman added. "This little ball of sunshine is Hoseok, but everyone calls him Hobi for short!" The receptionist smiled as she pointed to the child Jin was currently picking up. "He is the second oldest" She spoke.

"This is Jimin, he is a living mochi!" She smiled as she pointed to the small child who was standing beside Namjoon shyly. "And these two are the twins! Taehyung and Jungkook, they are fairly young, Taehyung has learnt to walk but Jungkook is a late bloomer so he hasn't started walking or speaking" She pointed towards Taehyung who was climbing onto Namjoon's lap and Jungkook on her left side. "So I shall leave so you can have some bonding time!" The woman smiled as she handed Jungkook over to Jin who carefully took him and Yoongi to Namjoon.

"Thank you so much!" Jin smiled brightly as he waved the receptionist goodbye. The woman smiled as she closed the door, leaving the married couple and five children alone.

"Hello! I'm Hoseok! Are you going to be our new Daddies?" Hoseok asked cheerfully.

"Of course!" Jin smiled just as cheerfully back, matching Hoseok's enthusiasm.

"Can we really do this Jinnie?" Namjoon asked, trying to grab his Husband's attention.

"We will definitely try, plus look at this adorable boy" Jin giggled, showing Jungkook's sleeping face.

"Loggo!" Taehyung suddenly spoke excitedly.

"Let's go?" Namjoon asked the small boy who had given up on trying to climb onto Namjoon's lap and is now just holding onto his thigh. Taehyung shook his head and waved. "Oh, hello?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. Taehyung nodded with a big box like smile.

"Say he-" Namjoon started.

"He" Taehyung repeated.

"-Ll-" Namjoon continued.

"Ll" Taehyung repeated again.

"-O" Namjoon finished.

"O" Taehyung repeated.

"Now say it together" Namjoon smiled. "Hello" He added.

"Loggo!!" Taehyung cheered happily, throwing his hands into the air.

"Close enough Buddy" Namjoon chuckled, ruffling the small boys hair. Jin only smiled, watching the two converse fondly.

"I think you like them" Jin stated, watching as he gained his Husbands attention.

"One child or five, I don't care as long as I'm with you, standing by you, raising them with you" Namjoon smiled, earning a small giggle from Jin. Namjoon gave Jin a confused look. "That was so cheesy, but adorable" Jin explained upon realising his Husband's confusion. Namjoon smiled, looking down once he felt movement from the once asleep oldest.

"I hope it is ok, I just can not leave my brothers, I need to prowtect them!" Yoongi explained. Namjoon smiled, nodding.

"It's fine, just a long crazy journey!" Namjoon chuckled.

And that was how Namjoon and Jin got their five sons.

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя