12) Sister?!

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When they arrived home, Jin placed the costumes in the wardrobe in his and Namjoon's bedroom. Jin smiled for a second before it slowly faded as he remembered something. He made is way downstairs into the living room where everyone was sitting.

"hey babe? can I talk to you in the kitchen please?" Jin asked as he leaned against the archway.

"yeah sure" Namjoon smiled as he let go on Jimin who was koala-bear hugging him. They made their way into the kitchen and took a seat on the stools. Jin had already planned this, so his laptop was already on the kitchen counter in front of them. He pulled it towards Namjoon and himself and let Namjoon quickly scan the information plastered on the screen. Namjoon; once finished reading, looked at Jin with narrowed eyes.

"another child? really Jin are you sure?" Namjoon asked and his facial expression softened after saying the sentence.

"yeah, y'know I've always wanted a baby girl Namjoon, and no one wants her, I want to give her a home" Jin said as he smiled, looking back at the photo on the screen.

"where is she supposed to stay Jin?" Namjoon asked.

"with us for a while, but we can turn my office into her bedroom since I never use it anymore" Jin shrugged.

"which one? upstairs or downstairs? you have 2 offices Jin" Namjoon sighed as he placed his palm on his chin, leaning on his elbow.

"upstairs, it's only files and things, I can just move them down here since I have more room!" Jin smiled.

"I'm not sure babe, what about the boys? what would they think?" Namjoon asked, half sighing. Jin thought for a moment before walking into the living room where the boys where playing around.

"boys!" Jin shouted slightly, five heads snapped into his direction at the speed of light. Jin took a seat on the couch while they all sat in front of him on the floor, Jungkook in Yoongi's lap, of course). He cleared his throat before asking while Namjoon stood at the archway, connecting the living room with the main hallway.

"how would you guys like a sister?" Jin asked smiling.

"A GIRLL??!!" Taehyung screamed.

"a girl in the house? YAY!" Hoseok cheered.

"I don't care, as long as I am still the oldest" Yoongi pouted.

"A GIRL?!!?" Jungkook screamed.

Everyone gasped and turned their hands to Jungkook who was playing with Yoongi's hair.

"fnjwofuh?" Jungkook asked, looking at everyone staring at him.

"uh, ok then... so a yes?" Jin asked looking at them. They all exchanged looks before Yoongi finally spoke up.

"it's a yes, we'd like a sister, if she's younger than me, that is, I am forever the oldest!" Yoongi smiled.

"she's younger than Jimin, but older than the twins, so you should be fine Yoongs" Namjoon smiled as he replied with a nod. Jin smiled as he looked at Namjoon, who also nodded in reply.

"so! it's settled while everyone is at school Daddy, Jungkook, Taehyung and I will go and get her!" Jin smiled as he rushed to the kitchen to finish writing in the morning information needed to adopt the little girl.

"Dad, why a girl? There will be only one of her and what... seven of us?" Yoongi asked, staring up at Namjoon.

"I don't know buddy, your father just really wants a daughter" Namjoon smiled down at him.

"Sister yay!!" Jungkook clapped his hands and laughed. Yoongi and Namjoon stared at each other with shocked looks.

"What?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi and Namjoon's eyes widened even more if possible.

"HAH!?!" Yoongi screamed.

"I no baby! I talk!" Jungkook crossed his arms. "But everyone like baby..." Jungkook pouted. Taehyung ran the Jungkook and picked him up.

"YOU CAN TALK!! YAY KOOKIE!!!!" Taehyung screamed as he spun around hugging Jungkook. Yoongi and Namjoon were still in a state of shock but soon enough snapped out of it when Jin entered the room.

"What's with the shocked faces?" Jin asked oblivious to the previous few minutes.

"Kookie can talk Dad!!" Taehyung shouted still hugging Jungkook.

"Owww! Tae!!~ that hurts!" Jungkook grunted when Taehyung held him too tightly. Taehyung quickly placed Jungkook back down and he sat on the floor. Jin was in a daze, he froze as he stared at his baby.

"MY BABY TALKED!!!" He shouted as he ran towards Jungkook and squeezed the life out of him.

"AHHH IM DYING!!!" Jungkook shouted, which in result Jin immediately let go and checked for any injuries.

"AH! I almost forgot! Change of plans! We are getting your sister today!" Jin smiled and everyone cheered, except Namjoon.

"Today!?!" Namjoon freaked out.

"Yup! So everyone in the car!" Jin smiled as he watched his kids runs towards the front door, hurriedly putting their shoes on.

"Today Jin? Why today?" Namjoon asked obviously a little annoyed.

"They needed more room for new kids that have come in Joon, I wouldn't have done it today if it wasn't important" Jin said as he quickly peck Namjoon's cheek.

"Oh, you should have at least told me first Babe" Namjoon complained.

"I know! But oh well! Let's go get our new daughter!" Jin smiled as he grabbed Namjoon's hand and walked to the front door where their kids were eagerly waiting.

"Let's go I wanna meet my new sister!!" Hoseok shouted enthusiastically. Jin and Namjoon chuckled before getting their own shoes on and making their way to the car.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the adoption centre where they had adopted the 5 boys.

"Ah! Hello again! Lovely to see you again!" The lady from when they had adopted the boys eagerly smiled as she waved from the other side of the desk.

"Hello Katie" Yoongi smiled as he stared up at the all too familiar face in front of him.

"Ah! Hello Yoongi how have you been since your adoption?" Katie asked as she looked down at Yoongi from her desk.

"I've been great! Dad and Dad have been treating us all like their very own!" Yoongi smiled.

"That's lovely to hear! And she is already awaiting for your arrivals sirs!" Katie smiled as she gestured for the family to follow her.

They walked to a room labeled '3' and walked in, sure enough a toddler was sitting on one of the seat kicking her legs with her face in her palm. She looked up once she realised the door was open.

"Y/N your new family are here" Katie smiled as she looked at the young female staring back at her. She smiled as she waved her hand and made her way towards the family. She smiled as she looked up at Namjoon and Jin.

"Hi! I'm Y/N it's lovely to meet you!"

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