25) A Day In The Life Of Jimin

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I sat in the back with Hobi Hyung. It was really quiet actually which I didn't mind, but it was too quiet, y'know? Anyways I watched as the silhouette of the school faded into view and how Hoseok practically jumped in his seat.

Once the car fully made it to a stop, Hyung climbed to the middle and kissed Y/N, Taehyung and Jungkook on the foreheads before leaving. I saw Yoongi waiting for him which made me smile.

Soon after they had disappeared into the great unknown behind the great gates of Hell... (says Yoongi Hyung) Dad started driving once more. I saw the preschool soon fade into view and I smiled. The car eventually made a full stop so Y/N and I climbled out of the car and walked towards the school together. But instead of walking like normal kids we raced and I of course won!

"No fair! You cheated Oppa!" Y/N complained.

"Nu-uh! I won fair and square!" I defended myself.

"Y/N!!" Two voices yelled from the side. We turned our heads to the owner of the voices and saw Lisa and Rose running up to Y/N.

"Hiya Unnies!" Y/N smiled as she pulled them into a group hug. I stood there awkwardly and was soon acknowledged by Lisa.

"Hi Oppa!" She smiled to me while I just stood there awkwardly.

"Hi.." I responded awkwardly. Not long after Jackson, Jinyoung and Youngjae walked in.

"Hey guys!" I smiled as we 'bro' hugged. They all responded with a "Hey" or a "Hi".

"C'mon guys go on through you have to get ready for class" Mrs Park who was standing in behind the desk informed them.

"Okie!" Rose said as she pulled both Lisa and Y/N away. Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae and I walked inside the doors and went straight to the play equipment outside. We just talked about nothing until a certain someone bumped into Jackson. When she had bumped into him she was about to fall over but Jackson wrapped his arms around her so she wouldn't fall.

I knew by her outfit that it was Y/N so I just watched with a blank expression which in reality I was trying not to kill Jackson for touching my little sister. I wanted to cut his head off when he started talking.

Careful! You could have fallen" Jackson said looking at Y/N worriedly. Y/N looked at him in complete shock.

"Mianhae Oppa!" She smiled back after getting into a normal standing position rather than the tilted one from before.

"Tag! You're it!" Lisa said from behind her.

"No fair Unnie!" She yelled as She chased her once again, a huge smile plastered on her face the whole time. It took Jackson a while to turn back around after staring at you playing for a while and when he did he was greeted by my death glare. He gulped quickly and was about to say something but Mrs Park best him to it.

Alright kids settle down! Come and sit so I can do roll call" Mrs Park said motioning for all the kids to come. As I walked I shoulder barged Jackson and walked to my seat. Not long after I saw Y/N come and sit next to me. I gave her a smile whilst Y/N gave him a very tired smile which resulted in me chuckling.

I watched as Hyuna actually came and sat next to her whilst Jennie sat next to Hyuna. She gave Y/N a small smile which Y/N gladly returned. I noticed how Y/N smiled happily at the two of them.

"Alright Jackson!" Mrs Park called out.


"Chanyeol!" Mrs Park called out.

"Here Mrs!" He answered.

I waited patiently for my name to be called out which was sadly— just like Y/N's — one of the last ones called.

"Ok, Jimin!" Mrs Park smiled.

"Here Mrs Park!" I smiled as I answered.

"Great, and last but not least Y/N" She smiled as Y/N looked at me.

"Here Mrs..." Y/N replied slightly shy.

"Alright! So today we don't have anymore books to read because we have read them all! So! You have free play all day except for nap, lunch and recess breaks" Mrs Park informed us.

All the kids cheered and ran off the go and play with something. I just walked outside with my friends and we sat on the play equipment and talked about random things again. I couldn't help but avert my gaze to Y/N who had her back turned against me. I smiled at how she was so happy about her and her Unnies 'castle' and 'Queen'. It was too cute.

I heard the bell that rang for 'nap break' and quickly walked inside. I was already slipping into my sleeping bag when Y/N walked inside. Her sleeping bag was planted next to me so she smiled as she walked to me.

I stopped when I felt Y/N standing there and sent her a smile. I quickly smiled before continuing. Y/N smiled but quickly made her way inside of her own sleeping bag facing my way, as did I to her.

"Night Oppa" Y/N smiled.

"Night Y/N" I smiled back and held out my hand. Y/N placed her hand on mine and I interlocked our fingers together, just like yesterday.

She slept with a big smile on her face. I couldn't help but to look at her peaceful sleeping face. Soon I closed my own eyes and fell into a deep slumber, still holding onto Y/N's hand.

After the nap I made my way back outside with some of my friends whilst Y/N stayed inside with hers. Most of my friends already left so I took this opportunity to talk to Y/N.

"What's Y/N's relationship with you?" I asked suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Jackson laughed nervously.

"I mean —"

"Oppa! Dad's here we have to go!" Y/N called out to me. I smiled to Jackson whilst Y/N looked before glaring at him when she turned around. I said goodbye and told him he was lucky before walking off inside. Y/N had already ran inside so she was with Dad.

"Oh I forgot to mention we are walking to the school and back home" Dad said as we began walking. I heard Y/N groan but nonetheless she starting walking.

We could finally see the school approach and I could see that Y/N's legs were dead.

"No more daddy!!" She whined as we finally reached Yoongi and Hobi Oppa.

"why were you walking?" Yoongi asked and in return received a sad smile from Dad.

"Namjoon's car is broken and he needed mine so we have to walk, I'm sorry but at least it's a good day and the weather isn't hot or cold?" Dad said trying to sound somewhat positive.

"I can't..." Y/N complained as she fell on her knees. Dad sighed before picking her up and placing her on his shoulder. Y/N's legs hung down either side of Dad's head.

"Can we go now?" Dad asked us three who were still standing. We all nodded and began walking to the house. Y/N was singing something the whole way home and it was peaceful.

"Daddy I wanna walk now" Y/N said when we had walked for about 10 minutes.

"Are you sure, there's still a long way to go?" Dad asked looking up at Her. She nodded in response so Dad placed her back down on the ground and She took his hand in hers. Dad smiled and moved their hands back and forth whilst they started walking.

Y/N turned around and smiled when she extended her hand out to Hoseok Oppa. He took Y/N's hand and walked faster so that he could stand next to her. A couple more minutes of walking was interrupted when a very familiar car parked next to us. It was our car and Dad was inside.

We all smiled and made our way inside the car. Yoongi, Hoseok Hyung and I in the back, Y/N, Jungkook and Taehyung in the middle and Dads in the front. It didn't take long until we reached the house.

I climbed out and raced Hobi Hyung into the house. I won of course but I somehow still ended up paying him a dollar. Did I just get tricked....?

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