32) First Day Of School

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This takes place a month after Christmas and it's Jimin and Y/N's first day of primary school.

Y/N and Jimin walked closely together as they walked towards the school. Yoongi and Hoseok were walking in front of each other as per normal. As they approached the school they saw a few familiar faces. Well Jimin at least.

Jimin ran off to his friends completely forgetting about Y/N. Y/N stood their awkwardly looking at Jimin trying not to cry. When she looked to the front again Yoongi and Hoseok weren't anywhere in sight.

After standing their for a little while before making her way to a corner of the playground, sitting down. She takes out a book and starts drawing on the back of it.

"Awww what's wrong little girly? Lost your Mommy...?" A voice said from in front of Y/N. She looked up slightly to see a couple pair of shoes.

"Why are you even here? You look too stupid to do be here" Another voice teased.

"Please leave me alone..." Y/N quietly begs.

"Please leave me alone.. I'm a poor baby, please leave me alone" The first guy teased again. They pulled Y/N up and started pushing her around. They kept on teasing her as they pushed and pushed.

"Hey!!" A voice from behind them yelled. They ignored it and pushed Y/N one last time. This time it was more harsh. The action made her trip from underneath her feet, hitting her head on the side of a slide.

That's when she saw the two guys pushing her around being hit and falling to the ground. Y/N's vision wasn't clear but she swore she saw Yoongi punching the guys. You could feel a liquid substance run down the side of your head.

"Don't mess with my sister ever again... you hear me? Or I'll do way worse!!" Yoongi yelled at the two of them. They coward away muttering a small "yes" and "we won't do it ever again".

Once Yoongi saw that they were out of sight he called over Jimin and Hoseok whom had watched the scene. All two of them instantly ran to your aid.

"Oppa.. my head hurts..." Y/N whispered as she closed her eyes slightly.

"No, no, no Y/N keep your eyes open ok?" Hoseok said shaking you slightly.

"It hurts Oppa... and I'm tired...." Y/N said as she opened her eyes slightly. Although her eyes were open she couldn't see clearly. Not long after they heard yells from some girls.

"Y/N!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?! WHO HURT YOU!?!" Lisa yelled as she ran over to the four of you. Jennie and Rose ran over as well, luckily Jisoo was still around and ran over as well.

"Kids out of the way" she said calmly. She looked at Y/N and checked the back of her head which she was holding onto. As soon as she removed Y/N's hand she saw blood. "Ahh geez... ok ok ok.. Yoongi call your Dad and tell him what happened, you five go to my car right now and get in, Mommy is still waiting inside so just tell her we need to go the hospital" Jisoo said as calmly as she could as she passed over her phone to Yoongi.

Yoongi instantly called Jin informing him what happened and they agreed on meeting up at the hospital. They all made their way to the car, rushing Y/N to the hospital. Lisa ran inside before the others, quickly informing one of the doctors.

"Ah! Here she is!!" Lisa said as she saw Jisoo run inside with Y/N in her arms, still clutching onto her head. They instantly brought her into a surgery room and started working on her head. Everyone waited patiently in the waiting room until Jin and Namjoon run into the hospital, frantically looking around for Jisoo. They ran towards them with Jungkook and Taehyung in their arms, after they had spotted the clan in one area of the waiting room.

"What happened?! Is Y/N ok!?!" Jin asked as soon as he was in front of Jisoo. Jisoo tried her best to calm the male before explaining to him what had happened at least what she knew of. After she had finished explaining Yoongi jumped in.

"She was getting pushed around by some 2nd Graders, I remembered them from last year in Hobi's class, I ended up punching them both in the face after they pushed Y/N and she fell, hitting her head on the slide, they deserved it though, but if someone hadn't of ditched her for his friends none of this would of happened!!" Yoongi explained but ended up yelling at Jimin whom sat a few chairs away from him.

"How was I supposed to know she was gonna get bullied Hyung?!?" Jimin asked trying to defend himself.

"Because you were only thinking of yourself!! You are meant to protect Y/N! She is our little sister!!" Yoongi argued back. Jimin looked down, ashamed.

"It's not my fault your so stuck up and blame everything on others Hyung" Jimin mumbles out of anger. Yoongi heard and instantly lunged at the younger. Namjoon caught him mid way and took him off somewhere else.

"That was not called for Jimin, you're all equally at fault for leaving her alone when you knew none of her friends were there" Jin said with a heavy sigh. Jisoo instantly heard the stress and fear laced in Jin's voice. As he sat down next to Jisoo she Instantly pulled the older in her embrace to try and calm him.

They waited for a while until they heard Y/N's name being called out.

"Kim Y/N's Parents?" The Nurse smiled as she saw the eight kids and four adults run up and anxiously awaiting for the news. "Hi, so Y/N is a very lucky young women, when she fell she had seemingly hit her head on the side of something, creating a small cut, luckily for her it wasn't anything extremely deep and she didn't crack her head open, although she had a small concussion so the fact that you made her stay awake has saved her from either a coma or serious brain damage and maybe even death" The Nurse explained, pausing as she waited for them to understand what she was saying.

"She was very lucky seeing as she had lost a large amount of blood and we had almost lost a heartbeat due to the fact that she had lost so much blood, we were able to get blood supplies so she is fine with blood, she is still resting because of the anesthesia, she should be fine with oxygen but just in case we have her on a machine, also you may see her but please don't disrupt her resting because it is vital if she wants to heal faster" the nurse smiled and everyone rushed inside.

You were laying on the bed, sound asleep. Everyone stood all around he bed, happy that your okay. They had waited for a while but Jisoo, Lisa and their kids had to go. They all bid farewell before leaving, promising that they would visit soon.

It took a couple of hours but Y/N eventually woke up. She looked around with hooded eyes, noticing that she was in a new environment before landing her eyes on everyone. She gave a weak smile as she opened her eyes completely.

"Hey Honey, how are you feeling?" Jin asked as he gently caressed your cheek.

"My head... hurts a little" Y/N replied with a small smile.

"Y/N, you shouldn't have stayed by yourself, you should have stayed with one of your brothers" Namjoon gently said as he caressed your other cheek.

"I didn't want to be the annoying little sister..." Y/N mumbled before Yoongi joined in.

"You'll never be the annoying little sister Y/N, we love you too much for that so don't ever think that again" Yoongi said as he made his way towards you. "Also I showed those guys what they get for messing with the Kim's little sister" Yoongi smirked slightly.

"Yoongs.... you didn't.." Jin said as he looked at his oldest son.

"I may have..." Yoongi mumbled, instantly loosing his smirk.

"I'm gonna have to expect a call don't i?" Jin asked as he sighed.

"Possibly if I did enough damage" Yoongi smirked once again. They all chuckled by Yoongi's remark.

And the day ended with Y/N complaining she was sore and hungry, crying because she had to stay in the hospital and even more crying from Jin for having to leave his child alone in the hospital.

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