5) He Picked One Kid

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Namjoon's POV

Hoseok and Yoongi were grounded for a week and Hoseok has stayed in our room for a while. After a while though they had made up and become loving brothers again after a few tears were shed and a LOT of hugging. The Twins were fine. Jungkook has been trying to stand up a couple times, but failed and would fall down. Taehyung would always be there to comfort his baby brother, it was fucking adorable!!! And Jimin is well a cinnamon roll and being himself.

"Babe? What's for dinner?" I asked, I was sitting on the floor in the living room filling out some paper work that needed to be finished for work. I had Jungkook in my lap watching as letters popped up on the screen. He was somehow fascinated by it and I don't understand why....

"Don't know! Can you buy pizza or something?" Jin shouted from the bathroom. He was currently fixing Hoseok's face after he drew marker on it pretending it was makeup.

"Yeah sure just the regular then? 2 cheese, 1 Hawaiian and a meetlovers?" I grabbed my phone dialing the pizza shop number.

"Yeah that should be fine" Jin said as he finally fixed up Hobi's face so that he was marker free. I had called the pizza place and our order was placed.

"Daddy... I'm hungry..." Jimin pouted as he played with some crayons (which Yoongi wasn't using as he drew a picture).

"I know buddy, but dinner will be here soon" I smiled lovingly as he continued to pout. Yoongi has noticed his little brother's pout and pulled him into a hug.

"Do look so sad Chim Chim! Just think about it! WE GET PIZZAA!!" Yoongi screamed as he jumped up, fists flying in the air.

"YAY!!!" Jimin soon joined in the little celebration.

I just wanna squish those two cinnamon rolls AHHHH!!~

Namjoon smiled as he was internally screaming.

"Namjoon, I'm just gonna go grab some groceries I should be back soon, also Hobi is coming with me" Jin said as he helped Hoseok put his shoes on the right feet.

"Ok have fun you two!"

Shit Jin why, why would you do this to me... you're taking one kid with you and now everyone is gonna be jealous and all hell will break loose.

"I wanna go!!" Taehyung pouted as h stood up in the play pen.

"Me doo!!" Jungkook joined him and he clutched onto his brother for support.

"Me three..." Jimin said looking down at his lap.

"I want to go also!! I never get to go shopping with Mommy!!" Yoongi whined as his brows furrowed, creating a slight wrinkle in between his eye brows.

"No I can't take all of you... last time we all went we were kicked out for disturbing other customers." Jin replied, massaging his temples as the memory replayed in his head. Everyone whined and carried on but Jin never changed his minds, but promised he'd take them some other time.

Once the door kicked shut all the kids turned to look at me. I swear their eyes were glowing red and everything turned dark. They crept towards me and whined and whined till I had a headache. I ignored their complaints and walked into the kitchen looking through the cabinets. I finally found tablets which are supposed to help with headaches. I took one out and grabbed a glass of water. I placed the tablet in my mouth and chugged the water down.

Once I had swallowed the tablet my crew had came in screaming again. They kept saying things like "why Hobi!! Hobi always gets to go" and "no fair" and "I wanted to go..." . Eventually everyone started blaming it all on me. It was my fault(?). Soon enough there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door still hearing everyone screaming behind me.

I opened the door and saw the pizza guy.

"Oh I'll be right back I forgot my wallet." I walked into the living room and grabbed my wallet. When I walked back to the door the pizza guy was being harassed with questions.

"Does your Mommy have favourites?"

"Does your Mommy take you to go shopping alone?"

"Does your Mommy take the day off of work when you are sick?"

"Your faut!"

Jungkook screamed at the pizza guy (poor pizza guy 😪

"Guys!! Leave the poor guy alone! And Jungkook it isn't his fault" I walked up to the pizza delivery guy and apologised for my kids behaviour. Once he left I shut the door and stared at my kids who were drooling over the pizza.

"No pizza until Mommy and Hobi are back from the shops ok?"

They all whined but none of the less left to go play or something. I sighed and walked to the kitchen and placed the pizza on the counter. I pulled out my phone and looked at the news. Nothing special really politicians and world leaders threatening each other like normal. I was so focused on my phone that I didn't even noticed that Yoongi stole a pizza until I looked over to see a missing pizza box and the sound of snickering.

I walked into the living room to find the source of the snickering and saw the pizza box untouched yet. I quickly grabbed the box back and scolded my children how stealing is bad and that they should never do it.

"Just give us the pizza Namjoon!!" Yoongi whined.

"Call me Namjoon again and you'll never eat pizza again young man." Yoongi looked down with a huge smile on his face.

The hell you smiling at Yoongi?

I turned around and saw Jin and Hoseok at the doorway. Jin was looking confused at the situation whilst Hoseok was smiling brightly as per normal.

"This is you're fault, you chose one kid and now I look like the bad guy and have a huge headache" Jin smiled and started laughing.

"Why are you complaining? I had them all night last night, AFTER YOU GAVE THEM ICECREAM!!"

"What's wrong with icecream? Icecream is awesome!!" I replied genuinely confused.

"Yes well you left the icecream container out and they ate the whole container!!" Jin said sighing but smiling at his Husband's cute face as he tried to remember when and how he forgot to put the icecream back.

"DADDDYYY!!" Jungkook whined whilst pointing to the pizza.

"Ah sorry everyone in the kitchen and we'll eat."



So this was a really boring chapter but oh well. BTW I was gonna add a lot more stuff when Jin was away but since I was in a rush to post my video on YouTube I kinda had forgotten them so yeah, really boring chapter but oh well. Hope you enjoyed and Annyeong Salanghaeyo!!~

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang