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Well not quite you still have to read the epilogue but aFTER THAT IT'LL BE OVER.


11-16 years later...

Y/n smiled brightly as she walked down the aisle. She was being escorted by Carol, KO's mother. She waved excitedly to her dad, Professor Venomous and her family as she passed them. She even almost dropped the bouquet of flowers.

She looked ahead and saw her soon to be 'husbands', Pko. That's how they wanted to come since they both wanted to marry her. He looked incredibly nervous and excited.

As she walked up to him, he smiled. He clearly absolutely loved seeing Y/n in a long white dress. And Y/n loved seeing Pko in a tuxedo.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today--" The priest was cut off by a loud shout.

"Cut to the chase, already!" The familiar voice of Fink called, earning a few laughs. Pko and Y/n even laughed a little.

"I see we're all very excited for this. Okay, I'll hurry. KO and Tko, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." Pko said, his smile growing wider if possible.

"And Y/n, do you--" The priest was once again cut off.

"I do." Y/n said excitedly. The priest sighed, smiling. She looked down at the ring on her finger, smiling.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife!" The priest said. "You may kiss!"

Pko grabbed Y/n's shoulders and dipped her, smashing his lips on hers. Y/n smiled into the kiss.

Pko lifted her back up and pulled away. Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him as she laughed. She had finally married him. They kept their promise to always be there alongside her.

Later on at the party, Y/n sat at a table eating the white vanilla cake. Pko sat right next to her, refusing to leave her side.

"Your dress is really pretty..." Pko said as he stared at her dreamily. Y/n chuckled.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She said as she playfully lightly punched his shoulder. Pko smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"Now that we're married, there's no way you'll be able to escape me. I'll always be right beside you, protecting you." He smiled intently at her.

"Uh huh. Sure. I'm sure I'll find a way to escape. I always do, remember? All those times I saved your butt. You would've been toast without me." She said. Pko scoffed.

"You saved KO once. We're the ones who were always there for you." He said. Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She said as she took another bite of her cake.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice shouted. Y/n looked up and noticed her robotic sister, Penelope, running excitedly towards her.

Ever since Glitch Face was shut down, Professor Venomous was working on a way to fix Penelope without fixing Glitch Face. He eventually found a way and rebooted her. Now Penelope is back, and better than ever. Y/n considers her a sister, just like she does Fink.

"Y/n! You gotta take a picture with us!" Penelope said as she waved a Polaroid camera in Y/n's face. Penelope had dragged Fink and Professor Venomous over as well.

"Cob, it's the stone age." Pko muttered looking at the old camera.

"A picture?" Y/n asked, ignoring Pko's comment.

"Oh, come on. It won't kill you." Penelope said as she grabbed Y/n's wrist and pulled her away. Pko laughed at Y/n up until Penelope grabbed his wrist as well. "You, too."

The group got together in one spot. Penelope set up the camera and set the timer. She walked over and joined in the photo.

"Everyone say Y/N X KO AND TKO FOR LIFE!" Fink shouted as she held up her fist, smiling brightly. As the picture snapped, everyone looked at Fink, confused and weirded out.

Penelope looked at the photo the camera took and smiled.

"That's a quality photo." She said as she showed them it. All it showed was everyone giving Fink a look as she smiled and held up her fist.

"That's awful. Burn it." Y/n said.

"No! I like it! I'm keeping it." Penelope said as she hugged the photo.

"Fine. Whatever. At least let's take a real photo." Y/n said as she reset the camera. Once the timer was on, she walked over to Pko and stood next to him.

As the camera took the photo, Pko pressed his lips on Y/n's cheek, kissing her. Y/n smiled brightly. Fink stood behind the two, smiling with wide eyes. Penelope stood next to Pko, smiling with starry eyes as she looked at her photo. Professor Venomous stood next to Y/n, smiling as he linked arms with her.

Once the camera spit out the next picture, Penelope rushed over excitedly and grabbed it.

"It's perfect!" She smiled as she showed the others it.

"It certainly is." Y/n smiled as she took the photo and looked at it.

"Not as perfect as you, though." Pko mumbled to her. Y/n chuckled.

"And it's not as perfect as you, either." She said as she kissed his cheek.

Suddenly, slow music began playing as the lights dimmed. Penelope and Fink gasped.

"It's time for your dance!" Penelope exclaimed.

"Get out there and dance!" Fink said as she pushed the two onto the dance floor. Pko looked at Y/n and smiled. He held his hand out for her to take.

"Ready?" He said. Y/n placed his hand in his.

"Ready." She said, smiling. Pko led her onto the center of the dance floor to dance.

This was the perfect wedding. It was far more than what they asked for, and they were happy about it.

It was the perfecting ending.

AAAAAND IT'S OVER. I'M SO SAD. Don't worry I already have the first chapter of the next book written and ready to be published.

Anyways, I wasn't 100% sure how weddings work so I might have gotten a bit of this wrong but whatever I'm happy with it.

I hope you enjoyed. I certainly enjoyed writing this book.

You're Our Shooting Star (KO x Reader x Tko)Where stories live. Discover now