Chapter One

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Yeeeeee I've got another story for you. I'm just gonna keep writing these until my imagination stops working.

Also I'm gonna change your last name for the story.

Okay, enjoy! This one might not be as good as the other ones, but I wanted to try writing a more fluffy story than intense. But I'm sure some things will seem kind of interesting. Enjoy!

KO had a long day at work. He, or Tko since he was controlling KO, almost blew Pird up because he looked like Shadowy Figure. Then, to try and make Tko feel better, he let Tko take control as long as they both worked together to control. After that, they fought Shadowy Figure in the form of Pko.

He had a long day, and he wanted so badly to tell his mother about it. But he didn't want to get in trouble for going up against Shadowy Figure all alone. He knew she would tell him about how he needs to be more careful.

KO sighed and looked out his bedroom window. He wanted to talk to someone about some of the stuff he had to put up with, but there was nobody besides Tko. And he was hard to talk to. They just now started getting along.

He looked up at the night sky and noticed a shooting star. He gasped. Thinking quickly, made a wish.

"I wish I had a friend I can talk to..." He said to himself as he watched the star shoot across the sky. He smiled, hopeful that maybe somebody would come.


The next day, KO went to work as usual. Carol pulled into the parking lot, and the vehicle stopped. She stepped out and opened the door for KO, and he jumped to the ground.

"You have a good day at work, KO! I'll see you later!" Carol smiled as she waved, walking towards the dojo. KO waved back, smiling. He then turned and made his way to the bodega.

He walked inside and saw Enid sitting on the counter, and Rad was asleep on the floor in a box again.

"Hey, KO." Enid waved, not looking away from her phone.

"Hiya, Enid! Is there anything I can do right now?" KO asked. Enid shrugged.

"You can mop the floor." She said.

"Okay!" KO said as he smiled brightly. He grabbed a mop and began mopping the floor, walking farther down an isle.

As he was mopping, he bumped into someone, and they both slipped on the wet floor.

"Woah!" The person let out a yelp as the two fell to the floor. KO groaned as he held his head in pain. He looked up at the person he ran into, and noticed it was a girl.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--" She cut KO off.

"It's okay. I'm fine." She said as she stood up. She held out her hand for him to take. He smiled at her and took it, standing up.

"My name's KO!" He introduced himself, smiling widely. The girl smiled.

"I'm Y/n. Y/n Starshine." She said. KO's smile disappeared.

"Star... Shine?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It's my last name. Why?" Y/n asked, kind of confused. KO's smile returned, bigger than ever.

"Oh, my Cob! I didn't know it would come true!" KO exclaimed. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"What would come true?" She asked.

"My wish! You're the star! You're what I wished for!" KO smiled widely. Y/n frowned, confused.

"You... You wished for me?" She asked.

"Yeah! Last night, I saw a shooting star so I wished for a friend I could talk to!" KO said.

"I think it's just a coincidence that my last name is Starshine." Y/n said.

"I don't think so. I think that after I made that wish, we were destined to meet." KO said. His eyes widened, suddenly realizing something. "Wait, are you the star I saw last night?! Are you a star?!"

"What? No. I'm just a normal kid who just so happened to have the last name Starshine and just so happened to be looking around this store today. It's all just one big coincidence." Y/n said.

"All right, then. Keep your secrets. But I know we were destined to meet." KO said. Y/n smiled.

"Believe what you want. I don't really care." She said. KO smiled.

"C'mon, I want you to meet my friends Enid and Rad." He said as he linked his arm with hers, leading her away.


Later that day, KO was at home. He had decided to spend some more time with Tko.

"Can you believe it? My wish actually came true!" KO said. Tko rolled his eyes, not looking away from the tv as he continued to play his game.

"Whatever. I think she's right. It's just a coincidence." He said.

"She's so nice and fun, too." KO said, thinking about the day he had.

"It's like you have a crush on her or something." Tko said.

"Uh huh..." KO said, not really listening to KO. Tko looked at KO and smirked.

"So you do have a crush on her." He said. KO's eyes widened.

"Wait, no! We just met today!" He exclaimed, his face turning red.

"Uh huh. Sure." Tko said, smiling as he turned his attention back to the tv.

"I don't! But I bet you do!" KO said. Tko scoffed.

"As if. I couldn't even date her if I wanted to. I'm always here. But I don't want her because I don't like her." Tko said.

"Whatever. I don't believe you." KO said as he crossed his arms.

"And I don't believe you." Tko retorted.

"Fine. I'll hang out with her more often, and see if you like her." KO said.

"And how do you know you won't start liking her yourself?" Tko asked.

"Well... I don't. But we'll just have to wait and see." KO said. Tko rolled his eyes.

"You'll never get me to like her." He said. KO smirked.

"We'll see. We'll see." He said.


You're Our Shooting Star (KO x Reader x Tko)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu