Chapter Two

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Y/n woke up the next morning to the sun shining brightly into her room. The window was open, letting in the morning air.

Y/n sat up and stretched out, yawning. She pulled her covers off and stood up. She looked out the window and to the ground. She was in the second story of her house, so it was quite a drop.

She saw a branch that reached out to her window from a tree. On the tree was a large tree house, probably close to the size of her bedroom.

Without fearing the height, Y/n climbed onto the branch and made her way to the tree house. She crawled through the window.

Once inside, she grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself up in it. She then grabbed a book and laid down on a hammock, relaxing.

As she was reading, she heard a very faint humming. Confused, Y/n stood up and walked over to the door. She pulled the curtain door open and saw a familiar boy walking down the sidewalk.

"KO!" She called. He turned in the direction of the voice and saw her. He smiled and waved.

"Hi, Y/n!" He greeted. Y/n gestured for him to come over. He smiled and made his way over to the tree. "Whatcha doing?"

"I'm just sitting in my tree house. You wanna come in?" Y/n asked.

"Sure!" KO climbed up the ladder, entering her tree house. "Wow, it's nice and cozy in here." KO said as he looked around the room.

There were small wooden shelves on one side of the room filled with books, toys, and small containers of candy. Across the room was a large hammock in front of a window that was covered up with a curtain. The right side of the room had a table with a wooden chair next to it, and in the center of the floor was a carpet.

"Thanks. My dad helped me move all this stuff in here. The shelves were the hardest thing to get up here." Y/n said. She sat down on her hammock, and patted a clear spot for KO. "Come sit with me."

KO sat down on the hammock next to Y/n. Y/n could feel the cold air coming off of him.

"Are you cold?" She asked. KO shrugged.

"A little. I forgot my coat at home." KO said. Y/n grabbed her cover and placed it on top of him.

"There. Now you'll be warm." She said. KO smiled at her and scooted closer to Y/n. He wrapped the cover around both of them.

"And now you'll be warm, too." He said. Y/n smiled.

"You know, you're really nice, KO. I've never met anyone as nice as you." Y/n said. KO chuckled.

"I get that a lot. It's just who I am. The nicest person you'll ever meet." He said.

"I'm usually nice, but I can have my... Upset moments." Y/n said, trying to think of the right words to say. KO raised an eyebrow.

"Upset moments? Like what?" He asked. Y/n shrugged.

"I just start shouting mean things if someone makes me mad. I don't really ever get mad, though, so don't worry." She said.

"Huh..." KO frowned, thinking. She had a more... Darker side of herself. Not as bad as Tko, probably not even a turbo form, but still... "Y/n, would you like to meet someone?"

"Okay. Who is it?" Y/n asked.

"They can be a bit mean... And you can't let him leave your tree house. He might hurt someone." KO said.

"Are they dangerous? KO, who are you talking about?" Y/n sat up, looking at him, worried.

"Just... Give me a second..." KO said as he closed his eyes.

KO found himself inside his mind, in front of a door. He reached for the doorknob, but the door flew open before he could grab it.

"What were you thinking?! I'm not going out there!" Tko exclaimed.

"C'mon, don't you wanna talk to her? Maybe you two would get along!" KO said. "And besides, this is your chance to control the body for a little while. I can wait in here and play video games while you and Y/n talk!"

"No way. We would never get along. I'm mean, she's nice. That doesn't exactly mix very well." Tko crossed his arms.

"C'mon. Maybe you could get close to her, maybe even get a kiss." KO smirked.

"I've already told you I don't like her like that!" Tko said. "We haven't even met each other yet!"

"This is your chance!" KO said. He pushed Tko out the door. "Now get out there and talk to her!" He slammed the door shut. Tko sighed and turned around. He closed his eyes.

He felt the air around him warm up a bit as he opened his eyes. He saw Y/n with her hands on his shoulders, a look of worry in her eyes.

"KO? Are you okay?" She asked. Tko hissed when she called him that.

"It's not KO! I'm Turbo KO, Tko for short." He said. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Turbo... KO?" She repeated, confused.

"Yeah. I'm his turbonic form." Tko said. Y/n's expression still didn't change from confused. "His evil alter ego? His darker side?"

"But you're the same person." Y/n said.

"No! Well... Sort of. I have my own conscience. I'm just a part of him." Tko said.

"And KO wanted me to meet you?" Y/n asked. Tko shrugged.

"I guess." He said. Y/n looked down, going silent.

There was an awkward tension between the two. Y/n wished she wasn't there at the moment because she didn't know what to say, and Tko wanted to leave since he didn't know what to say either.

"So... What do you want to do?" Y/n asked.

"I was hoping you had something in mind..." Tko said. Y/n grew a little nervous, but smiled a bit nonetheless.

"Oh, this is really awkward..." She said. Tko sighed.

"I probably should have waited a little while to introduce myself, but KO made me come out here..." Tko said.

"At least you got it over with, and now we know each other." Y/n said. Tko smiled a bit, barely enough for her to see.

"I guess you're right. At least now KO won't bother me as much about talking to you." Tko said as he laid down. Y/n laid down next to him and smiled.

"You sure he won't make you talk to me more and make you become friends with me?" Y/n asked. Tko frowned.

"Ugh, he probably will do that." He groaned.

"At least we'll get to hang out together. You seem pretty nice." Y/n said. Tko scoffed.

"I'm not nice! I'm just being polite to you so KO won't bother me!" He said. Y/n chuckled.

"Sure..." She smiled.

Yeeee I finally got another chapter done

I feel like I kind of forced Tko's introduction and it should have waited but I didn't know what else to do for this chapter.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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